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Original text - Turski - ..... askim...

Current statusOriginal text
This text is available in the following languages: TurskiBosanski

..... askim...
Text to be translated
Submitted by dzeny_987
Source language: Turski

Çocukken her akşam yatmadan önce Tanrı'ya bana bir bisiklet vermesi için dua ederdim. Bir gün Tanrı'nın çalışma tarzının bu olmadığını anladım. Ertesi gün gittim kendime yeni bir bisiklet çaldım ve her akşam yatmadan önce Tanrı'ya günahlarımı affetmesi için dua ettim
Edited by Bamsa - 11 March 2010 20:23

Last messages


11 March 2010 19:52

Number of messages: 1524
Is this turkish Sunny

CC: Sunnybebek

11 March 2010 19:52

Number of messages: 758
Yes, Turkish!

CC: Bamsa

11 March 2010 20:23

Number of messages: 1524
Thanks Sunny

I will switch the flags

17 July 2012 21:25

Number of messages: 1206
And here...

CC: Bilge Ertan

30 July 2012 21:42

Bilge Ertan
Number of messages: 921
Here you go:

When I was a child, I would pray to God every night before going to bed to give me a bicycle. One day, I understood that it was not the way it worked for God. The next day I stole a new bicycle for myself and I prayed to God every night before going to bed to forgive my sins.