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Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Portuguese brazilian Anda comigo por este caminho!
Anda comigo por este caminho!

Completed translations
English Walk with me on this path!
Latin Mecum in hac via veni!
Source language
Portuguese brazilian Sou um estudante...
Sou um estudante e gostaria de aprender o latim

Completed translations
English I am a student and I would like to learn Latin.
Latin Discipulus sum
Source language
English How was the confirmation ?
How was the confirmation?

Completed translations
Norwegian Hvordan var konfirmasjonen?
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Polish Teatr Umyślnie Straconej Wolności zaprasza na...
Teatr Umyślnie Straconej Wolności

na przedstawienie pod tytułem:
"A potem żyli długo i szczęśliwie"
Adaptacja sztuki przez życie napisanej w 3 Aktach.
W rolach głównych:
Panna MÅ‚oda:
Pan Młody: Ł
W pozostałych rolach udział biorą:
Ksiądz,Świadkowie, Goście i Gapie.
AKT I "Dla Duszy"
Ślub Kościelny
Godzina 1 w parafii p.w. Matki Boskiej Bolesnej W
" Dla Ciała"
Przyjęcie weselne w Restauracji
przy ulicy Księdza Wajdy W
"Noc Poślubna"
Bez udziału widowni.
tekst zaproszenia weselnego, które zostanie wysłane do Holandii.

Completed translations
Dutch Theater Bewust Verloren Vrijheid nodigt uit...
Source language
Turkish uitspraak
çok sevdiğim bir abim dediki hayat boyu kaynaşmamız lazım ama kaynaşacak group yok ne olacak şimdi?
in het nederlands

Completed translations
Dutch uitspraak
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Turkish adin dilime dollandi demek sevdan bi yalandi...
sevmem artik hic sev deme
derdim coktur hangisine yanayim
buda gelir buda gecen aglama
gördüm baktim dünya yalan
derdim coktur hangisine yanayim
bu dunyada yasamak zor
adin dilime dollandi demek sevdan bi yalandi
Please translate the sentences for me.
I've got a friend on MSN which sometimes talks to me in Turkish but I don't understand Turkish.
But I really need to know what he's saying/meaning with this sentences.

Completed translations
Dutch je naam is in mijn mond gebleven dus je liefde was een leugen
English I don't love anymore, don't tell me to love
Source language
Swedish Gör vad du kan med det du har där du är
Gör vad du kan med det du har där du är
Hittade denna text, är tänkt lite mer som ett citat!

Completed translations
English Do what you can with what you have where you are.
Hebrew עשה מה שאתה יכול
Source language
Danish Alt kan ske
Alt kan ske

Completed translations
Latin Omnia
French Tout peut arriver.
Spanish Todo puede suceder.
Source language
Croatian halo JA znati govoriti Hrvatski! iscjelivati ;p
halo JA znati govoriti Hrvatski! iscjelivati ;p

Completed translations
Portuguese olá EU saber falar Croata! beijar ;p
Source language
French J'aimerais te dire ce que je ressens mais les...
À toi qui compte énormément pour moi .. toi qui occupe toutes mes pensées..

J'aimerais te dire ce que je ressens mais les mots ne sont pas assez forts ..

Avec toi j'ai connu l'amour et je ne peux l'oublier, tu m'as tant apporté bébé, tu ne t'en rends peut être pas compte mais ton amour est tellement vrai, tellement pur.. j'aimerais tellement revivre tout ça avec toi , avoir une autre chance de t'aimer ..

Tu es dans mon coeur pour toujours , ne l'oublie jamais ..

je t'aime..
merci à celui ou celle qui traduira ce texte qui est pour celui que j'aime et j'ai choisi de lui envoyer en portugais car c'est sa langue natale.. merci c'est très important pour moi

Completed translations
Portuguese Gostava de te dizer aquilo que sinto, mas as...
12Source language12
Portuguese brazilian Leva meu coração...
Para onde quer que vás...
Leva meu coração!
Abriga nosso sonho de amor
por um momento...
Um momento não é tudo, eu sei,
mas é único!
Farei o mesmo quando pedires
se eu precisar partir...
E de noite, meu amado,
amarra teu coração ao meu...
"abriga"= guarda, cuida com carinho
"único"= diferente de todos os outros, especial!
"partir"= ir embora, ser obrigado a sair
"amarra"= prende, une, liga fortemente

Completed translations
English Take my heart...
French Emmène mon coeur !
Turkish Her nereye gidersen...
Persian language هر کجا که می روی...قلبم را با خود ...
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Maķedoniski skopje-makedonija-mikica
Elena Ilievska miki nema da mi se pofalis kako go pomina ostatokot od nokta koga si zaminav :D pricaj! :)

Completed translations
Serbian Skoplje-Makedonija-Mikica
Source language
Danish Hun fortjener en medalje .
Hun fortjener en medalje .
Ja lige ud a landevejen. (:
'Hun fortjener en medalje'

- tak. :D

Completed translations
English She deserves a medal.
Source language
Norwegian Du betyr alt for meg
Du betyr alt for meg

Completed translations
Spanish Tú significas todo para mí
40Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.40
Turkish seni seviyorum,seni istiyorum,sensiz yaÅŸamak zor...
seni seviyorum,seni istiyorum,sensiz yaÅŸamak zor geliyor bana
her an içimdesin
her an kalbimdesin

Completed translations
Portuguese Amo-te e quero-te. É difícil viver sem ti...
Portuguese brazilian Te amo, te desejo. É muito difícil para mim...
Source language
Turkish akilli olum fazla icmeyin iyidir sen nasilsin,...
Akıllı olun, fazla içmeyin.
İyidir, sen nasılsın? İyi uykular, öptüm.

Completed translations
Portuguese Portem-se bem, não bebam muito.
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Turkish Merhaba, benim bazı projelerim var ihracat...
Merhaba, benim bazı projelerim var ihracat konusunda. ançak daha sonra sen buraya gelidikten sonra olacaktır.

Completed translations
Portuguese Olá, tenho alguns projectos sobre a exportação...
Source language
Turkish ispanyolcaya cevrılmesını rıca edıyorum
tesekkur ederım canım yenı yılda tum guzellıkler pesını bırakmaması dılegıyle kıb öpt

Completed translations
Spanish Gracias cariño. Deseo que todas las cosas buenas
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Italian ciao come stai?tutto bene il viaggio di...
ciao come stai?tutto bene il viaggio di ritorno?un bacio

Completed translations
Catalan Hola, com estàs? Tot bé en el viatge de tornada? Un petó.
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