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Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
English the work was tooling of parts, black smiths works...
the work was tooling of parts, black smiths works etc.
det er ordet "tooling" jeg ikke helt ved hvad er.

Completed translations
Danish Arbejdet bestod i at...
Arabic كان العمل مزيناً
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
German München-Besuch
Bei meinem nächsten München-Besuch werde ich sicher wieder bei Ihnen anfragen!

Completed translations
English Munich visit
Source language
Ancient greek Ἄνθρωποι τύχης εἴδωλον ἐπλάσαντο...
Ἄνθρωποι τύχης εἴδωλον ἐπλάσαντο, πρόφασιν ἰδίης ἀβουλίης.

Completed translations
English Δημόκριτος
102Source language102
Serbian ko je ova slatka mala zenooooooo ima li...
ko je ova slatka mala
zenooooooo ima li ijedna slika da nemas osmeh
Retko..i sama znas da se stalno smejem..znas ono:"Smej se smej,uvek se smej
jer on najvise voli osmeh moj
nikad...znas mene
Za tu vrstu muzike vodim tebe
ma vazi 0 samo se ti meni smej
cek cek...ima nesto novo....."najvise vboli osmeh moj" hm??? blizi se dan zaljubljenih....vidim ja da si mi cudna sad ne da ti se vide 6 dok se smejes vec i umnjaci ti se vide hahahha
steta sto me sad ne vidis...smejem se oko
smej se smej uvek se smej
volim osmeh tvoj ,bas dobro ti stoji,jos ti bolje stoji poljupci moji...rece i poljubi me
a dali te "bocka"
Uh,nesto me ubode
pazi se...sta drugo da ti kazem
znate, kad je neko zadovoljan - sve mu lepo stoji
Post on my Facebook page

Completed translations
English Who is this sweet little ...
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Latin Errare humanum est, ignoscere divinum, da mi...
Errare humanum est, ignoscere divinum, da mi basia mille, deinde centum!

Ad omnia paratus

Non est bonum esse hominem solum
Vet inte om språket är rätt! Har fått detta i ett mail och har ingen aning om vad det betyder!?
En kärleksförklaring eller?

Completed translations
Swedish Att fela är mänskligt
French L'erreur est humaine, pardonner est divin, donne-moi
Serbian Ljudski je grešiti, praštati je božanski, ...
Bosnijas enesbeckovic
Hebrew הטעות היא אנושית, הסליחה היא אלוהית, תן לי
English To err is human, to forgive divine
Danish At fejle er menneskeligt, at tilgive guddommeligt,
Croatian prijevod
Source language
German Aphorismus 52
Wenn die Menschen keine Möglichkeit haben,
sich zu entfalten,
stagniert die Gesellschaft.
Fransösisch aus Frankreich

Completed translations
English Aphorism 52
French Aphorisme 52
Italian Aforisma 52
Russian Афоризм 52
Spanish Cuando las personas no tienen...
Croatian Ako ljudi nemaju
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Swedish Tjena Dalmir, läget? Hoppas allt är bra med dig!!
Tjena Dalmir, läget? Hoppas allt är bra med dig!! Jag kommer hem till Sollefteå den 24 maj tänkte vi skulle ses nåt då??
Original-request before edits: "Tjena Dalmir läget hoppas allt är bra med dig!! jag kommer hem till Sollefteå den 24 maj tänkte vi skulle ses nåt då??" /pias 100508.

Completed translations
English coming home
Bosnijas prijevod
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
English This manual covers the instructions and useful...
This manual covers the instructions and useful information to be given to the service personnel on maintenance of the color inkjet printer JV5-130S/160S. Perform maintenance work according to the
instructions given in this manual and the related documents listed below.
This manual consists of the following chapters:
CHAPTER 1 Outline of Maintenance
Describes the specifications and other information of the printer, including precautions
to be taken in maintenance work.
amacım makina kullanım klavuzunu türkçeleştirmek..

Completed translations
Turkish Bu klavuz JV5-103S/160S renkli mürekkep püskürtmeli yazıcının
Source language
English I am the luckiest man.
I am the luckiest man.
i want this sentences in latin..

Completed translations
Turkish En şanslı adam benim
Latin Vir maxime fortunatus sum.
Source language
Russian Исследование полученных кристаллов с помощью...
Исследование полученных кристаллов с помощью электронно-сканирующего микроскопа показало, что габитус, максимально сходный с природным, имеют образцы, выращенные в перекиси водорода.
Классический английский

Completed translations
English The research of obtained crystals
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Greek ούτε εγώ σε έχω πετύχει πουθενά.
ούτε εγώ σε έχω πετύχει πουθενά.
Before Transliteration:
oute ego se exo petixei pouthena.

Completed translations
English I haven't run into you anywhere either.
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Greek OK. οποτε θέλεις πάρε...
OK. οποτε θέλεις πάρε...
Before transliteration:

OK. opote theleis pare...

Completed translations
English OK. Call whenever you want
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Spanish Dicen que la vida es mas bella si ...
Dicen que la vida es mas bella si podemos cumplir lo que soñamos y mi sueño es que tu estes conmigo toda mi vida.. :) Te Amo..

Completed translations
Turkish Düşlediklerimizi bitebilirsek, hayatın daha güzel olduğunu söylenir
Source language
Spanish yo mas :) mi amor te dejo un rato me ...
yo mas :) mi amor te dejo un rato me conecto mas tarde mi amor si te amoo!! ya estoy descargando lo que me dijiste mi vida..

Completed translations
Turkish Ben daha fazla :) Sevgilim seni birazcık bırakmam lazım
Source language
Swedish Ni två är som gjorda för varandra, att...
Ni två är som gjorda för varandra,
att tillsammans livets vägar vandra.
Bruden, hon är vacker,
brudgummen bara ler.
Kärlek, lycka och glädje vi önskar er.

Completed translations
Spanish Hechos uno para el otro
Source language
English Laugh your head off!
Laugh your head off!
i wanted to know expressions/idioms like that one - when something makes you laugh a lot - in other languages!
it doesn't have to be translated directly (losing your head) but expressions/idioms that means the same in your language! thanks! :)

Completed translations
Italian Ammazzarsi dalle risate
Dutch Zich krom lachen.
Swedish Inte exakt översättning
Polish Zrywaj boki ze śmiechu!
German Lach' dir 'n Ast
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Ancient greek Ἐφ' οἷς γὰρ μὴ φρονῶ σιγᾶν φιλῶ.
Ἐφ' οἷς γὰρ μὴ φρονῶ σιγᾶν φιλῶ.

<edit> "εφ οίς γαρ μή φρονώ σιγάν φιλώ" with "Ἐφ' οἷς γὰρ μὴ φρονῶ σιγᾶν φιλῶ."</edit>
(01/13/francky thanks to Alex's notification)

Completed translations
English I like to keep...
Greek Οιδίπους Τύραννος
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Bosnijas vidi sina,ljepsi od majstora!
vidi sina,ljepsi od majstora!

Completed translations
Dutch Zie mijn zoon
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Latin Donec eris sospes
donec eris sospes, multos numerabis amicos, tempora si fuerint nobila solus eris

Completed translations
Bosnijas Dok budeš sretan ...
Serbian Dok budeš srećan ...
Croatian Dok budeš sretan ...
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