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Source language
French Qui aurait pu imaginer que son image allait me...
Qui aurait pu imaginer que son image allait me hanter?
C'est à un garçon

Completed translations
Spanish ¿Quién se iba a imaginar que su imagen fuera a obsesionarme?
Source language
Italian che è succeso non lo so, che me hai fatto non lo...
che è succeso non lo so, che m'hai fatto non lo so, so soltanto che se te ne vai io morirò.

non lo so so soltanto che se te ne vai so soltanto che se te vai e non ritorni.
Urgente por favor.

Completed translations
Spanish qué ha ocurrido, no lo sé, qué me has hecho
Romanian Nu ştiu ce s-a întâmplat, nu ştiu ce mi-ai făcut...
Source language
Italian ciao, come stai? stai giocando proprio bene
ciao, come stai? stai giocando proprio bene

Completed translations
Catalan bones, com estàs? astàs jugan molt be
Source language
English The BILL due for its second readind in the House...
The BILL due for its second readind in the House of Lords later this month, recognises the equality between man and wife by ending her right to maintenance after the breakdown of mariage.

Completed translations
Catalan El projecte de llei que ha de ser debatuda per segona vegada a la Casa...
Source language
French je ferais des folies pour toi
je ferais des folies pour toi

Completed translations
Spanish haría locuras por tí
Source language

Completed translations
Italian Audacia e attrazione
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Polish dzieki! napisala tak jagby to nasza wina byla !
dzieki! napisala tak jagby to nasza wina byla !

Completed translations
Spanish ¡Gracias! ¡Escribió como si hubiese sido nuestra culpa!
Source language
Hebrew הריפוי בעיסוק מטפל בצד הקוגניטיבי
הריפוי בעיסוק מטפל בצד הקוגניטיבי

Completed translations
Arabic المعالجة بالتشغيل
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Spanish con mucho cariño para...
con mucho cariño para ti...espero jamas me olvides..

Completed translations
French Avec beaucoup d'affection pour toi...
Greek Με πολύ στοργή για σένα...
Arabic مع كل المحبة
Source language
English Nicole...
I hope you are having a wonderful day. Just wanted to say Hi and that I miss u!
egypt arabic

Completed translations
Arabic نيكول
Source language
English my boo
my boo
preciso saber como se escreve em hebraico ou árabe.

Completed translations
Arabic يا حبيبي
Source language
Turkish Sevgili Olechka! Nasılsın? Öğrendiğime göre...
Sevgili Olechka!
Nasılsın? Senin parasal sorunlarının olduğunu çeviri bürosundan öğrendim. Sana nasıl yardım edebilirim? Beni bu konuda bilgilendirirsen sevinirim. Arkadaşlığımızın devam etmesini çok istiyorum. Görüşmek üzere. Cevabını bekliyorum.

Completed translations
Russian Любимая Олечка! Как ты? Насколько я знаю...
Ukrainiski Кохана Оленка! Як ти?
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Portuguese brazilian varejistas; nivel de varejo; atacadistas;...
nivel de varejo;
Estas palavras fazem parte do livro Canais de Marteking, e não são iguais às palavras em português ou inglês britânico.

Completed translations
English retailers; level of selling; wholesalers;...
Portuguese traduzir
10Source language10
Turkish 1-bilgisayar destekli kariyer planlama 2-web...
1-bilgisayar destekli meslek danışmanlığı
2-web tabanlı kariyer planlama

Completed translations
English 1-career counseling career planning 2-web...
Source language
Lithuanian labas, as pamirsau bet mes negaslim susitikti...
labas, as pamirsau bet mes negaslim susitikti sestadieni nes as turiu isvaziuoti. ar galim mes susitikti sekmadieni?

Completed translations
English hi, I forgot but we can't meet..
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Swedish helvete, jag känner smaken i munnen. Nej det får...
helvete, jag känner smaken i munnen. Nej det får inte vara över! lol

Completed translations
English hell, I feel the taste in my mouth. No, it can't be over! lol
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