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Source language
Danish Kære Tillykke med fødselsdagen! Vi skriver en...
Tillykke med fødselsdagen!
Vi skriver en hilsen fra Danmark og vi håber I bliver glade for vores lille gave.
Vi er to hørehæmmede piger der kan godt lide jeres musik.
Foråret var vi med til Zimmer 483 koncert i Berlin. Det var rigtig godt og vi håber at selvfølgelig I kommer snart til Danmark.

Kærlig hilsen

Completed translations
German ich gratuliere Dir zum Geburtstag!
Source language
Turkish Maddi imkansızlıklardan dolayı üniversite egitimi...
Maddi imkansızlıklardan dolayı üniversite egitimi alamadım.Ege Üniversitesi Elektronik Bölümünü kazandım.

Completed translations
German Durch finanzielle Schwierigkeiten...
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
English Welcome to this beautiful world
Welcome to this beautiful world
This is a title of episode 1 of my game.

Completed translations
Spanish Bienvenido a este hermoso mundo.
Portuguese Bem-vindo a este belo mundo
German Willkommen in dieser schönen Welt
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
English EU against pollution
The EU has taken a range of steps to reduce the number of dangerous chemicals to which we are exposed. For example, it is limiting the number of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPS), some of the world’s nastiest chemicals which were widely used in industry and as pesticides (like DDT). They are toxic, persist for generations and accumulate in the bodies of humans and animals. The EU has ratified the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants which is the most important global effort to ban the use of these toxic chemicals.
it is a text about the measures taken by EU against pollution

Completed translations
German EU Verunreinigung
Source language
Hungarian a zen templomokban arról az égtájról nevezték el...
a zen templomokban arról az égtájról nevezték el öket, amerre a WC bejárata mutatott.
El texto forma parte de una página de un comic que comencé a leer en castellano pero que no estaba completo y solo pude encontrar el resto en Húngaro. La molloría de los textos me las he apañado bien con diccionarios y traductores online, pero por más que lo intento, esta frase siempre me sale sin sentido, no se si es porque sea una expresión coloquial o por que.
La palabra öket, se escribe, en realidad con una especie de doble tilde en la o, pero no he podido encontrar ese símbolo en mi teclado.

Completed translations
Spanish Templos zen
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Spanish que cosa mas guapa
que cosa mas guapa
habe einen netten menschen kenen gelehrnt der leider nur spanisch oder portugisich kann!!!

Completed translations
German Welch' hübsches Ding
Source language
Polish mozesz...?
mozesz kupowac prezenty,ale nie mozesz kupic milosci...
Merhaba.Bu cümlenin ne olduğuna dair hiçbir fikrim yok bi arkadasımda gördüm ve ne olduğunu bulamıcağımı iddia etti.Yardımcı olursanız çok sevinirim.Umarım kötü bir anlamı da yoktur.Şimdiden teşekkürler.

Completed translations
English You can...
Turkish ...
French Vous pouvez acheter un cadeau mais pas l'amour.
Arabic يمكنك أن تشتري
Italian Regali
Source language
Arabic إمرأة زوجي
إمرأة زوجي
نقول حماتي

Completed translations
Italian Parente ricorsivo
Spanish La esposa de mi marido
Dutch De vrouw van mijn man
Turkish Kocamın karısı
Source language
Turkish Hayatım; sadece bana ait.
Hayatım; sadece bana ait.

Completed translations
Italian La mia vita; appartiene solo a me.
Latin Vita mea; ea mihi soli est.
Source language
Portuguese brazilian jornada
Somente uma parte do campo semeada
Mesmo assim parte à outra jornada

Cobrindo as estradas
Pálpebras inchadas
Cheiro de fumaça
Canto da cigarra

Perdendo ao longe as colinas escarpadas
Mesmo assim parte à outra jornada

Luzes apagadas
Ruas inacabadas
Não mais sua casa
Agora só uma enseada

Vejamos de que as crianças estão brincando.
Vejamos de que as crianças estão brincando.
Uma voz doce & suave chama

Após a tempestade

Num cerimonial de trens, trilhos & túneis
Quem irá se juntar a você
Durante a jornada a nenhures?
Por favor note que há uma crase em 'à outra...' denotando uma jornada em especial.
If possible, I want this one to be done only by natives.

Completed translations
Esperanto Vojaĝo
French Expédition
Spanish Jornada
German Feldzug
Romanian Călătoria
English Journey
Norwegian Reise
Swedish Resa
Greek Εκδρομή
Hungarian Utazás
Italian Giornata
Danish Rejse
Catalan Jornada
Japanese 種撒きの後の畑が少し残っているだけ。
Faroese Ferð
Chinese 旅途
Finnish Matka
Icelandic Ferðalag
Latin Expeditio
Source language
English It matters because if succeeding in a project...
It matters because if succeeding in a project requires exceptional effort, you better realize that not just any team member is going to make it work--actually less than half of the pool might.

Completed translations
Turkish Onemli bir konu cunku eger projedeki basari...
Source language
English Good news! I got one reply today (a Saturday!)...
Good news! I got one reply today (a Saturday!) with a contact to a
surgical oncologist in Marseille. I will forward the details to ****
off list.

Myriam has mentioned a French protocol for management of germ cell
tumors: does anyone know where to find information about it online?

Completed translations
Spanish ¡Buenas noticias! Obtuve contestación hoy (¡un sábado!)
French Bonne nouvelle! J'ai reçu une réponse ce matin (un samedi!)...
Swedish Goda nyheter! Jag fick ett svar i dag (på en Lördag!)...
German Gute Nachrichten! Ich bekam eine Antwort heute (am Samstag!)...
Dutch Goed nieuws! Ik heb één antwoord vandaag! (een zaterdag!)
Italian oncologia chirurgica
Source language
Portuguese brazilian Bell vamos pra Florianopolis em janeiro o que...
Bell vamos pra Florianopolis em janeiro o que você acha?

Completed translations
Spanish Vamos a Florianópolis
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Latin scito hoc
Scito hoc super omnia.

Haec vita est tua una sola.

Dum vita superest,

utere maxime quoque puncto,

momento, et hora quae habes.

Tempus neminem non manet.

Noli manere tempus.

Completed translations
Spanish Ten en cuenta esto:
Italian Ricordati questo:
Source language
Norwegian jeg blir så forvirret kjære
jeg blir så forvirret kjære

Completed translations
Spanish Me volví tan confuso
Source language
Finnish haluaisin hyväillä vartaloasi ja täyttää...
haluaisin hyväillä vartaloasi ja täyttää suudelmin...
kuunnella kiihtyvää hengitystäsi ja tuntea kuinka väriset....

Completed translations
English I would like to caress your body and fill it...
French Je voudrais caresser ton corps...
Portuguese brazilian Gostaria de...
Swedish jag skulle vilja smeka din kropp och fylla...
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