Cucumis - Free online translation service
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Source language
Albanian E nderuar zonje, i nderuar zoteri, me lejoni qe...
E nderuar zonje, i nderuar zoteri,
me lejoni qe me anen e kesaj letere t'ju ve ne dijeni per nje pune te shkelqyer artistike qe kemi arritur ta realizojme si grup artistesh. Per me teper mund te vizitoni faqet ne internet te projektit tone dhe mund te na kontaktoni serish.
Manaxheri Projektit

Completed translations
French Chère Madame, Cher Monsieur, permettez-moi...
Source language
Albanian Në Athinën e vjetër, një mësues drejtësie qe...
Në Athinën e vjetër, një mësues drejtësie qe marrë vesh me një nxënës që ta pëgatiste si avokat. Gjysmën e pagesës mësuesi e pati marrë në çastin e marrëveshjes, kurse gjysmën tjetër do ta merrte në mbrojtjen e parë që do të bënte nxënësi me kusht që ta fitonte atë mbrojtje. Por, kur mësimet morën fund, nxënësi i dekraroi mësuesit se gjysmëpagesa që i kishte bërë ishte e mjaftueshme për mësimet që kishte marrë, kështu që gjysmën e mbetur nuk kishte ndërmend t'ia jepte. Si përfundim u hap gjyq. Ditën e gjyqit, mësuesi iu drejtua trupit gjykues
©osman nuri topbash &
kontakt Faleminderit!

Completed translations
French Dans l'Asie ancienne, un enseignant de droit...
Source language
Albanian une jam sherifi i cili kam blere notebook in e...
une jam sherifi i cili kam blere notebook in e juaj. kam nevoje per informata me te hollesishme:
- si mund te bej pagesen?,
- sa zgjate deri sa te arije kompjuteri tek une pasi ta bej pagesen?,
- a do te mi dergoni te gjitha CD e programeve qe ka brenda ne kompjuter?,
- a do te ma dergoni edhe dokumentin e garancionit?...

me respekt
Sherif ef
WARNING : An English version is requested in order to evaluate the French version, so this translation into English MUST NOT be translated by the member who already translated this text into French.

Completed translations
French Je suis Sherif, qui a acheté votre notebook
English Sherif notebook
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Russian Люблю тебя.
Люблю тебя.
"Lyublyu Tebya" previously.

Completed translations
Spanish Te quiero
Source language
English keimeno
Just two days ago, we received word that the Egyptian State Fertilizer
Company has now agreed to sell us the fertilizers we want, through
this businessman's company. I'm sorry it took so long, but there
was a lot of red-tape and negotiating involved.

Completed translations
Greek keimeno
Source language
Turkish ömründe hiç gülmeyen dertki kullara döndüm. sevgi...
ömründe hiç gülmeyen dertki kullara döndüm. sevgi nedir bilmeyen seni kalbime gömdüm!!
um amigo escrevei isso

Completed translations
English I buried you in my heart
Portuguese brazilian Sepultei-te em meu coração
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Italian Ciao la sono come?
Ciao la sono come? voglio la chiedere perche lei vuole punire suo figlio bello. soddisfa non lo punisce perche l'amo e non lo merita.

Completed translations
English Hello, how are you?
Arabic اهلا، كيف حالك؟
Source language
English 2 years old!
Happy birthday Cucumis!

46000 members so far, 5000 visitors and 100 translations done everyday. A strong community is born with a common interest in languages.

A huge thanks to experts, administrators and members contributing everyday.

I can't list all the improvements made to the site since the last blog entry. As the experts are the core of the system, all has been done, and will be done to make their work easier. And by the way... we need more experts!

Everyday I'm amazed by the fantastic people we meet on cucumis and that is the true victory!

All the best!
English experts don't hesitate to correct my bad english as this text will be published on the news section. Thanks ;)

Completed translations
Hebrew יום-הולדת שנתיים!
Portuguese brazilian 2 anos!
Italian 2 anni!
Russian Нам 2 года!
French 2 ans !
Portuguese 2 anos!
Turkish 2 yaşında!
German 2 Jahre alt!
Dutch 2 jaar oud!
Hungarian Boldog szülinapot Cucumis!
Danish 2 år gammel.
Greek Δύο χρονών!
Bulgarian Честит рожден ден Cucumis!
Catalan 2 anys!
Polish Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji drugiej rocznicy!
Chinese simplified 我们两岁了!
Finnish Kaksi vuotta jo!
Arabic عامان من العمر
Swedish Grattis 2-Ã¥rsdagen Cucumis!
Romanian 2 ani!
Albanian Dy vjetori!
Japanese 二歳になりました!
Source language
Italian GL very short bio
GL è un trio di arte multimediale nato nel 2004. Al background musicale dei tre componenti V, S e A sono seguiti gli studi nel campo informatico e delle scienze comunicative. Obiettivo del gruppo è la produzione di opere multimediali nelle quali suono, immagine e spazio determinino un'esperienza immersiva e coinvolgente per il fruitore.

Completed translations
English GL Very Short Bio
Source language
Italian ciao mia cara svetlena il mio cuore e´ sempre a...
ciao mia cara svetlena
il mio cuore e´ sempre a te vicino
Ti penso e sei la persona piu cara della mia vita
tu sei cosi lontana ,ma nei miei pensieri ti stringo forte al cuore
ti voglio tanto bene ciao

Completed translations
English Hello my dear Svetlena, my heart is always c...
Serbian Zdravo draga moja Svetlana, moje srce je uvek .....
Albanian Tungjatjeta e dashura ime Svetlana
Source language
Turkish İnsanlar hayatlarının bazı dönemlerinde...
İnsanlar hayatlarının bazı dönemlerinde sosyal-ekonomik nedenlerle ya da yaşlanma, sakatlanma gibi fiziksel nedenlerle geçici veya sürekli bir şekilde gelirlerini kaybedebilir ya da hastalanabilirler. Karşılaştıkları bu olumsuz durumlarla bireysel olarak başetmeleri mümkün olmayabilir. Sosyal güvenlik sistemlerinin temel amacı böyle zor dönemlerde insanları yoksulluk ve yoksunluk riskine karşı korumaktır.

Completed translations
English People may lose their incomes ...
Albanian Njerzit mund te humbin te ardhurat .....
Source language
Dutch Ik weet dat ik van je hou maar ik weet ook dat ik...
Ik weet zeker dat ik van je hou maar ik weet ook dat ik niet met je kan samen leven of wonen, jij bent alleen met jezelf bezig.
Ik wil iemand om alles samen te doen.
Jouw Martje

Completed translations
English I know that I love you but I also know that...
Albanian Edi qe te dua por gjithashtu di dhe.....
20Source language20
Italian il mio amore per te
ti amo tanto amore mio, voglio stare con te per sempre

Completed translations
Albanian dashuria ime per ty
Source language
English some words
straight up

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian algumas palavras
Albanian disa fjale
Source language
Italian ciao bella.un bacio
ciao bella.un bacio

Completed translations
French salut la belle.un bisou
Albanian tung
Source language
English No, you don't feel me if forever turns into never.
No, you don't feel me if forever turns into never.

Completed translations
Albanian jo, ti nuk me ndjen nese pergjithnje shnderrohet ne kurre
Source language
English hello.. I'm so sorry I didn't send you a message.....
hello.. Im so sorry, I didn't send you a message.. I was at work and I had so much to do here... I hope everything is allright with you.. we'll talk later. from Lisa

Completed translations
Albanian vjen shum keq
Source language
Italian quanto meno potrsti apprezzare i miei sforzi...
quanto meno potresti apprezzare i miei sforzi dimostrandomi che ne è valsa la pena; magari davanti ad una bella bottiglia di vino! Che ne dici?

Completed translations
Albanian Kur mund
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