145 Source language Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi. Wycinek z forum 1)Nos últimos quatro jogos da seleção o atual selecionador realizou vários testes. Uns bem sucedidos e outros nem tanto.
Queria saber o teu ponto de vista sobre cada um deles. To są wycinki z forum. Pisane były one do mnie i chcialbym wiedziec co do mnie pisali. Z góry dziękuje;) Completed translations Wycinek z forum extrait de forum the last four games | |
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107 Source language For all tid Svake Kristne du skal dø i natt Jeg skal flerre din sjel i to Du skal føle makten jeg har fått av mørket Din tid er omme Også din tro Kammer Completed translations For all times Cristiano débil | |
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63 Source language Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi. aap kahan se hain? kya haal hai bhai?mera naam dave hai. apka kya naam hai? aap kahan se hain?
kya haal hai bhai?mera naam dave hai. apka kya naam hai? aap kahan se hain?
Completed translations Where are you from? ¿De dónde eres? | |
202 Source language Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi. Bună. Ce faci? Cum a fost zborul.A fost mai bine... Bună. Ce faci? Cum a fost zborul? A fost mai bine ca prima dată? Cine te-a aÅŸteptat la aeroport? :-) Deja îmi e dor de voi. Sper că asta e adresa ta. Sebi din Câmpulung vă transmite salutări. Nu prea ÅŸtiu să scriu în engleză. Sper să înÅ£elegi!!!! Edited with diacritics/Freya Completed translations Hy! | |
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260 Source language festival Het weer zondag ziet er veelbelovend uit! Met een temperatuur van 23 graden en vrijwel geen wind en 7 zonuren is het goed festivalweer (bron KNMI).
Paraplu's zijn niet toegestaan op het festival terrein. Als er een buitje zou vallen hebben we meer dan voldoende ponchos en heel veel ruimte in de 4 tenten om door te dansen. merci de répondre au plus vite Completed translations Festival Festival | |
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362 Source language Alcoholic hepatitis Alcohol has long been associated with serious liver diseases such as hepatitis — inflammation of the liver. But the relationship between drinking and alcoholic hepatitis is complex. Only a small percentage of heavy drinkers develop alcoholic hepatitis, yet the disease can occur in people who drink only moderately or binge just once. And though damage from alcoholic hepatitis often can be reversed in people who stop drinking Completed translations הפטיטיס ×לכוהולי Hepatite alcoolica (cirrose hepática) Hepatitis alcohólica | |
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