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Source language
English alinutza..
I wish I could be close to you
And feel you every move
Never meant to feel this way
Maybe you would come around one day
I wish I could be close to you
And feel you every touch
'Cas this girl want give the way I feel
Heaven knows I wanted it so much
Wanted it so much,wanted it so much
I wish that I could be so close to you
Atenţie, orice traducere de text, în orice limbă ar fi ea, care nu utilizează diacriticele folosite în mod normal în respectiva limbă, va fi respinsă sistematic.

Utilizaţi acest link dacă nu aveţi tastatură cu caractere româneşti.

Completed translations
Romanian aproape de tine
Source language
English how is your day?
how is your day?

Completed translations
French Comment se passe ta journée ?
German Wie ist dein Tag?
Source language
Serbian sve se promenilo vreme i ljudi
sve se promenilo vreme i ljudi

Completed translations
French Tout a changé, le temps et les hommes
Source language
Portuguese brazilian você me deixa nervosa!
você me deixa nervosa!

Completed translations
English you make me nervous!
French Tu me rends nerveux !
Finnish Hermostutat minua!
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Italian non abbiate paura di conoscere
non abbiate paura di conoscere
sto cercando di tradurre kant ma conoscere ha diversi significati

Completed translations
French n'ayez pas peur de connaître
English Have no fear of knowing
Hebrew אל תפחד לדעת
Arabic لا تخف من المعرفة
Latin Non timetote noscendum
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Turkish ingilizce bilmiyorum ondan telefonu acmiyorum...
ingilizce bilmiyorum ondan telefonu acmiyorum burak mugladagelince seni arayacak merak etme
i don´t know if i repeat sorry ;-) gracias de antemano

Completed translations
English i don't pick up the phone because i don't know english
Spanish no se ingles, por eso no contesto el telefono
Source language
Portuguese brazilian Depoimento
Você é uma pessoa muito especial, adorei ter te conhecido e desfrutar da sua companhia e seus conselhos todos os dias.
Ao mesmo tempo que é uma mulher aparentemente sensível, é forte e decidida, é madura e sabe muito bem o que quer da vida.
Espero que você realize todos os seus sonhos, pessoais e profissionais, aliás você já uma grande realizadora e merece ser sempre feliz.
Uma grande abraço da sua nova amiga Vanessa ou como você chama grão de arroz.

Completed translations
Spanish Testimonio
Source language
French Arrondissement des pénalités La pénalité...
Arrondissement des pénalités
La pénalité calculée jusqu'à 4/1000 est à arrondir au centième inférieur et à partir
de 5/1000 à arrondir au centième supérieur (exemple: 13.654 = 13.65 ou 21.849
= 21.85).

Completed translations
English Rounding Up and Down the Penalties
Greek Στρογγυλοποίηση των ποινών. Η ποινή...
Source language
Estonian Orkut
huvitav kas ta siit kõrvalt ei oska su vanust vaadata? rodrigo, sinu IQ palun? mõtlesin et peaks sind kylastama millalgi

Completed translations
English Orkut
Portuguese brazilian Orkut
Source language
Estonian ma just arkasin rannast, aga ikkagi, miks mind...
ma just arkasin rannast, aga ikkagi, miks mind lazareviga korvuti pandi. 123 nussi, reede ju!

Completed translations
English I just woke up from the beach, but still,
Portuguese brazilian Acabei de acordar da praia, mas ...
Source language
Estonian minu oma :)
Särav täht meie kursusel :) alati täis positiivsust, ilu ja sõbralikkust. Selline armsaks saanud tüdruk, kellega saab kõigest rääkida ja muidugi meeletult pidutseda :)
Kallistan ;)

Completed translations
English my own :)
Portuguese brazilian toda minha
Source language
Serbian Kao tramvaji pokisli,klizavim sinama proslosti...
Kao tramvaji pokisli,klizavim sinama proslosti kotrljaju se secanja.Prikradaju se nemirne misli da okuju kapi radosti za neka druga postojanja.

Completed translations
English like a tram in the rain
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Serbian .. Nemoj mi se vise...
Nemoj mi se vise mesati!
Ik zou graag de nederlandse of engelse vertaling willen weten van dit servisch zinnetje....alstublieft

Completed translations
English don't
Dutch bemoei je niet met mijn zaken!
20Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.20
Serbian Jesam li ti rekla da te mrzim? p.s. Znam da bih...
Jesam li ti rekla da te mrzim?
Znam da bih mogla bez tebe, ali ne zelim da pokusam

Zelela bih da ovo imam na grckom jeziku :) ZNACILO BI MI...

Nadam se da cu vas odgovor dobiti na mail

pozdravljam Vas i HVALA

Completed translations
English Have I ever told you that I hate you...p.s.I know I could...
Greek Σου το έχω πει ποτέ πως σε μισώ.. Υστερόγραφο. Ξέρω πως θα μπορούσα...
Source language
Russian "Вся концепция оккупации - вранье от первого...
"Вся концепция оккупации - вранье от первого слова до последнего". Так дискуссии не ведутся. Вы же сами доходите до смешного - пишете о том, что новое правительство изменило перед выборами законы, устанавливавшие, что "в тех избирательных округах, где выдвинут один кандидат, выборы не проводятся, а главный комитет по выборам признает их избранными без голосования." — и при этом отрицаете фальсификацию выборов! Кстати, опять же поражает Ваше пристрастие к советским источникам. (abridged)

Completed translations
Bulgarian ''Цялата концепция за окупиране
English “The whole concept of occupation is a lie from the very first
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