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Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Arabic أنا تاجر جزائري، و عنواني هو كالتالي: أريد أن...
أريد أن أشتري منتجاتكم و لكن ليس بوسعى التنقل خارج الجزائر.
فلذالك ما هي نقطة البيع في الجزائر من فضلكم.
و لعلمكم لا أتقن إلا اللغة العربية.
Atenţie, orice traducere de text, în orice limbă ar fi ea, care nu utilizează diacriticele folosite în mod normal în respectiva limbă, va fi respinsă sistematic.

Utilizaţi acest link dacă nu aveţi tastatură cu caractere româneşti.

Completed translations
English Buying your products
Romanian Aş dori să cumpăr nişte produse
Turkish Ben Cezayirli bir işadamıyım. Mallarınızdan birkaçını satın almak...
Source language
Serbian iaco si ljepa
iaco si ljepa

Completed translations
Portuguese és muito bonita
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Swedish fynd för e I den samma smak av dig.... I finner...
fynd för e I den samma smak av dig....

I finner också den smak av dig

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian procurar
Source language
Hebrew תמונות מבוליביה.......... קצת נופים .....קצת...
תמונות מבוליביה..........

קצת נופים .....קצת סלמונלה ושיגלה.........

אושר ואושר........

חג שמח......

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Fotos da Bolívia
Source language
Turkish Kendinizi tanitmak için bir mesaj girin
Kendinizi tanitmak için bir mesaj girin

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Escreva uma mensagem para se apresentar.
English Enter a message to introduce yourself.
16Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.16
Irish Go raibh maith agat as ucht do chomhfhreagras...
Go raibh maith agat as ucht do chomhfhreagras don Aire Oideachais agus

Déanfar do rphost a admháil um a luaithe agus déanfar é a sheoladh ar aghaidh
don rannóg ábhartha le haghaidh freagra.

Tá an Oifig againn ar oscailt Dé Luain - Dé hAoine ó 09.15 go dtí 17.30.

Tá ár gcuid Oifigí dúnta ar Dé Sathairn, Dé Domhnaigh agus ar Laethana Saoire na
mBanc Éireannach.

English translation :
"Thank you for your correspondence to the Minister for Education and Science.

Your email will be acknowledged as soon as possible and forwarded to the
relevant section for a reply.

Our Office hours are Monday - Friday 09.15 - 17.30.

Our Offices are closed on Saturday, Sunday and on Irish Bank Holidays."

Completed translations
Spanish Gracias por su carta al....
Source language
Estonian minu oma :)
Särav täht meie kursusel :) alati täis positiivsust, ilu ja sõbralikkust. Selline armsaks saanud tüdruk, kellega saab kõigest rääkida ja muidugi meeletult pidutseda :)
Kallistan ;)

Completed translations
English my own :)
Portuguese brazilian toda minha
Source language
Hebrew דאנילה אני אוהב אותך
דאנילה אני אוהב אותך

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Daniela, eu te amo
Source language
Estonian ma just arkasin rannast, aga ikkagi, miks mind...
ma just arkasin rannast, aga ikkagi, miks mind lazareviga korvuti pandi. 123 nussi, reede ju!

Completed translations
English I just woke up from the beach, but still,
Portuguese brazilian Acabei de acordar da praia, mas ...
Source language
Swedish Dina ögon skiner som diamanter
Dina ögon skiner som diamanter

Completed translations
Spanish Tus ojos brillan como diamantes
Albanian syte e tu ndrricojne si diamante.
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Russian privetik solnishko, kak dela? ia ...
privetik solnishko, kak dela? ia sah na faky. praspal pol dnia a drygaia polovina ychil. esli jochesh zavra vstretimsia

Completed translations
English Помогите перевести
Spanish Hola
Source language
Portuguese brazilian Mala!! Te amo!! Você é a melhor coisa que ja me...
Te amo!!
Você é a melhor coisa que ja me aconteceu nesses oito meses!!

Muito obrigada por tudo!

Te amo muito mala!!

Espero que goste!

E olhe mais teu orkut!

beijos te amo!

Completed translations
Spanish ¡¡ Mala !! ¡¡ Te amo !! Eres la mejor que cosa que me h....
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Portuguese brazilian hello.plz try translating!!!
Todos aquelas series americanas q tem aquela "risadinha" no fundo eu curto...

Completed translations
English All american series...
64Source language64
Portuguese partilhamos
eu aqui tu ai nos partilhamos um amor da nossa maneira

Completed translations
English we share
Dutch jij
German wir teilen
French Nous partageons..
Serbian mi delimo
Polish Dzielimy miłość
Source language
French Mise en ligne du site
Le travail débutera à la réception de l’acompte et du devis daté et signé avec la mention "bon pour accord". La mise en ligne du site dans son intégralité aura lieu après règlement total des travaux
Ces deux phrases sont dans le cadre d'une lettre destinée à la création d'un site web officiel. La lettre m'a été traduite, seules ces deux phrases ont posé un problème. Merci d'avance.

Completed translations
English Web Site Estimate
German Das vollständige Online-schalten der Site
Source language
Dutch mama ik houd van jou, als jij hier niet was he,...
mama ik houd van jou,
als jij hier niet was he,
en ik houd ook van mijn papa en mijn lieveke,
ik hoop dat jij mij rap servisch leert dat ik het niet meer moet doen langs deze website.

Completed translations
English Mom I love you
Serbian mama volim te, pa Å¡ta ako nisi bila ovde...
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