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Source language
English A general theme in aluminium toxicity is...
A general theme in aluminium toxicity is accelerated cell death. Mechanisms have
been described to account for this phenomenon from both acute and chronic aluminium
challenges in which aluminium associations with both extracellular surfaces and
intracellular ligands are implicated [133]. Most concern about aluminium toxicity
refers to its derived neurodegenerative disorders, with a special mention to the
potential implication of aluminium in the pathogenesis of AD

Completed translations
Portuguese Um tema geral sobre a toxicidade do alumínio é a morte acelerada da célula.
10Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.10
Italian Non vedo l'ora di vederti amore.
Non vedo l'ora di vederti amore.
Non ce la faccio più a stare senza te.
Ti mando un bacio con tutto il mio cuore.
Grazie d'esistere!

Completed translations
French Je n'en peux plus d'attendre pour te voir
English I can't wait to see you
Romanian Abia aştept să te văd....
Source language
Swedish God morgon min älskling. Hur går det i skolan...
God morgon min älskling.
Hur går det i skolan idag? Saknar dig väldigt mycket. Puss
Texten är skriven till en man.

Completed translations
English Good mornig, my love. How is it at school...
Serbian Dobar dan dragi moj...
Source language
Spanish a pesar que tu llegaste en un momento de guerra...
a pesar que tu llegaste en un momento de guerra eres la paz que ha llegado con amor....gracias por tu cariño...por tu sentimientos...a pesar de mi situacion...tqm

Completed translations
French la paix
Source language
Bosnijas Eee pa gdje si ljepoto sta ima? Kako ti je mama?...
Eee pa gdje si ljepoto sta ima? Kako ti je mama?
Jeste imam tattoo, hajd dodji da ti pokazem gdje .
Zezam te, hajd vidimo se.

Completed translations
Dutch hey schoonheid hoe is het?
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Bosnijas ma ne se azri svidja moj rodjak pa...
ma ne se azri svidja moj rodjak pa zato hahaha
nederlands geen vlaams

Completed translations
Dutch Nee, Anela...
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Dutch utakmica
Igor Djuric heeft het moeilijk tegen twee tegenstanders

Completed translations
English 'utakmica'
Serbian Wedstrijd
Source language
Greek Πώς να αλλάξεις έναν αλήτη
Πώς να αλλάξεις έναν αλήτη, πώς θα τον κάνεις παιδί για σπίτι,
δεν μου πάει εμένα, δεν ταιριάζει,
γεννιέται ο άνθρωπος και δεν αλλάζει
Before edit:"pos na alakseis enan aliti pos tha to kaneis paidi gia spiti, den mou paei emena den teriazi geniete o anthropos ke den alizi"

Completed translations
Dutch hoe verander je een aso
English How to change?
French Comment changer ?
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Spanish En el lenguaje poético propio al estilo artístico...
En el lenguaje poético propio al estilo artístico literario las palabras suelen emplearse...
El contexto:
En el lenguaje poético propio al estilo artístico literario las palabras suelen emplearse en significados que no están reflejados en los diccionarios.

Completed translations
English In the poetic language ...
Source language
Arabic انا اقول القمر غايب وانت فناظري ماغبت
انا اقول القمر غايب وانت فناظري ماغبت

Completed translations
English I say the moon
Source language
Bulgarian обичам да обичам и да бъда обичана завиждаите...
Обичам да обичам и да бъда обичана.
Завиждай ми!
Произвесено за истински хора.
получателите са от женски род за иврит.англииския да е британски.

Completed translations
English I like to love and to be loved
Latin Amare atque amari mihi favet...
Hebrew אהבה
Source language
Hebrew אין כמוך אני יודע תחייכי תצחקי זה עושה לי טוב שאת...
אין כמוך אני יודע תחייכי תצחקי את עושה לי טוב שאת נוגעת בי

Completed translations
English smile
Source language
Ancient greek Α' Επιστολή προς Τιμόθεο 2:12
διδάσκειν δὲ γυναικὶ οὐκ ἐπιτρέπω οὐδὲ αὐθεντεῖν ἀνδρός ἀλλ' εἶναι ἐν ἡσυχίᾳ.
Before edit: "1TIM 2:12 didaskein de gunaiki ouk epitrepw oude auqentein androV all einai en hsucia".

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian 1 Timóteo 2:12
Source language
Hebrew חיים חדשים, מאוהב מחדש בילדה מדהימה ויפה, תחייכו...
חיים חדשים, מאוהב מחדש בילדה מדהימה ויפה, תחייכו אנשים הכל זה לטובה

Completed translations
English living again
Source language
Turkish Benin sana

Benin sana ehtiyacim var yavrum...anla beni ne olur,ben sensiz yapamam bana okadar aci ki,heç bir sey yapamiyorum hep benim rüyalarimdasin .se vdaliyim sana

Completed translations
Spanish Tengo necesidad de tí...
Source language
Arabic الحالة الجنائية للمذكور بعاليه : لا شئ
الحالة الجنائية للمذكور بعاليه : لا شئ

Completed translations
English The criminal ...
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Polish W ten Wigilijny Wieczór niech ...
W ten Wigilijny Wieczór niech opłatek i staropolska kolęda połączą nasze myśli i serca, a uśmiech niech towarzyszy wszystkim dniom Nowego Roku.
Esse texto é de um cartão de natal que recebi da Polonia.

Completed translations
English On Christmas Eve
Spanish En la víspera de Navidad
Portuguese brazilian Cartão de Natal
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Italian il mio cuore do a voi
il mio cuore do a voi
Original text: "il mio cuore mi do a voi" [12/1, Ali84]

Completed translations
Swedish Jag ger mitt hjärta till dig
Source language
English My only one, I have this one life, and all I...
My only one,
I have this one life,
and all I want is to spend it with you...
I wish I could give this life away just to show you that I mean the things I say, but then I couldnt be all I have is what you know, and what we got, the things we wish for together...
I love my wife.

Completed translations
French Mon seul et unique, j'ai cette vie et tout ce que je....
Turkish benim ol...
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