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10Translation - English-Croatian - She's a murderer, she conveys the medicine...

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She's a murderer, she conveys the medicine...
Submitted by MozakStrokavi
Source language: English Translated by Dan35

She's a murderer, she conveys the medicine.
A deceiver that envolves and manipulates you.
An abuser, that devours you like she knows
and if you are naive, she makes you fall in love.
A specialist that will put you in vision, to be a wizard a man in her sight she is indeed, malicious.
I, who treated her like a goddess. She tricked me and now she calls me like crazy.

Put preasure, go ahead put preasure if we're not together another woman will get me.
Put preasure, go ahead put preasure that few are the indians and there are many female indians in the village. You know...

Don't leave it for tomorrow, don't leave it because they'll take it from you.
Remarks about the translation
It is somehow difficult to translate it exactly as it is because there are many terms in Spanish that are not used the same way as in English. Also, the word "Presea" in Spanish is a slang that can't really be translated as is.

Ona je ubojica, ona donosi lijek.

Translated by Alma-skz
Target language: Croatian

Ona je ubojica, ona donosi lijek.
Prevarant koji utječe i manipulira tobom.
Zlostavljač koji te prožvače kako zna
i ako si naivan, natjera te da se zaljubiš u nju.
Specijalist koji će te prebaciti u maštu, da bi bio čarobnjak, čovjek uvijek njoj na oku, ona je zaista opaka.
Ja, koji sam je tretirao kao boginju. Prevarila me i sada me zove kao luda.

Pritisak, dodaj pritisak, ako nismo zajedno druga žena će me uzeti.
Pritisak, dodaj pritisak, samo je nekoliko Indijanaca u selu, a mnogo Indijanki. Znaš...

Ne ostavljaj za sutra, ne ostavljaj jer će ti uzeti.
Validated by Maski - 21 October 2010 19:08