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38Translation - Portuguese brazilian-Greek - Em algum lugar no tempo nós ainda estamos...

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: Portuguese brazilianLatinHebrewGreekCatalan

Category Free writing - Daily life

Em algum lugar no tempo nós ainda estamos...
Submitted by davnata
Source language: Portuguese brazilian

Em algum lugar no tempo nós ainda estamos juntos.
Remarks about the translation
Essa frase é parte do refrão da música "Em algum lugar no tempo" da banda de rock Biquini Cavadão.

Κάπου στο χρόνο

Translated by User10
Target language: Greek

Κάπου μέσα στο χρόνο είμαστε ακόμα μαζί.
Remarks about the translation
bridge by goncin:
Somewhere in time we're still together.
Validated by User10 - 18 December 2009 14:02