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Оригінальний текст - Англійська - A glass of fresh water from the tap - a luxury?...

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Для цього перекладу вимагається лише загальний зміст.
A glass of fresh water from the tap - a luxury?...
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Публікацію зроблено QNL1N3
Мова оригіналу: Англійська

A glass of fresh water from the tap - a luxury?
The reality is that for some 1.1 billion people
access to safe drinking water is (1)
they can only dream about. Some 2.4 billion
people worldwide similarly do not have
access to adequate sanitation. Yet access to
safe drinking water and sanitation is not just a
luxury. It often makes the difference (2)
life and death.
Пояснення стосовно перекладу
yardım edeRmisiniz ? Lütfen çok lazım
9 Жовтня 2009 23:49