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Source language
English Enjoy the life
Enjoy the life

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Desfrute a vida
Source language
Dutch heeey Ja gaat lekker met jou dan?? Maar dat...
heeey. Ja gaat lekker met jou dan?? Maar dat is een dik punt ja dat doet me deugt!! haha. Ja precies heb wel zin in de stage! jij ook?? Veel plezierrrr

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Heeeeiiii. sim está tudo bem com vc então??
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Spanish Patricia y Mauricio son chilenos y se conocieron...
Patricia y Mauricio son chilenos y se conocieron por medio del ordenador. Hoy viven juntos. Ella tiene 26 anos y trabaja en un hospital. A sus 22 anos, él trabaja en un astillero. También el hermano de Patricia, Miguel, había concido a su companero sentimental Alfredo, por internet. Así recuerda Patricia su propia historia.
Det som jag gjort som "n" är egentligen ett spanskt "n".
Note from the administration team : Patricia and Mauricio won't be "translated", these names are to be left as they are spellt in the original text. Thank you

Completed translations
Swedish Patricia y Mauricio
10Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".10
French Et si l'horizon se fermait pour ...
Et si l'horizon se fermait pour qu'on arrête de faire comme si ailleurs existait.

Completed translations
English and if the horizon closed itself so as to stop doing as if there were somewhere else.
Swedish och om horisonten stängde sig så att vi slutar att göra som om det var någon annanstans.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Bulgarian dobre sum megi
dobre sum megi v momenta sum na rabota oba4e :( ina4e si4ko e OK !!! s teb kvo se slu4va ne sum te vijdal mai ot toq Guru ili i az neznam ot koga haha

Completed translations
Italian Sto bene Meghi
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Hebrew סדר ליל פסח
שלום אבי. לא הבנתי כלום ממה שתרגמו לך, אני לא רגיל לסגנון כתב כזה. בבקשה כתוב באנגלית צרפתית או עברית, ואם אפשר לתת לי יותר פרטים, אני אשמח. אתה בא לבד או עם אשתך / חברה? מה השמות שלכם? תודה. מיכאל

Completed translations
English The Passover Night Seder
Source language
Romanian « Fiindu-le lehamite de lapte, brânză şi carne de...
«Fiindu-le lehamite de lapte, brânză şi carne de oi sfârtecate de lup, aduceau de la câmpie legume."

"Acu văd că am făcut rău şi că eu te-am aruncat ca un ticalos în braţele lui, pentru ca să-mi astâmpăr setea de răzbunare".

“Încetul cu încetul, ea prinse voie bună; se cam tulbură când Lică se apropia de dânsa; sângele îi năvălea în obraji când el o apuca de brâu ca s-o învârtească; dar aşa era acum, şi altfel nu putea să fie, şi ea se dete din ce în ce după par.”
Am nevoie de mai multe texte literare scrise de autori romani cu subordonata de consecinta, traduse in limba franceza vorbita in Franta.Dar nu prea gasesc. Ma puteti ajuta, va rog?

Va multumesc anticipat!

Mihaela Panait

Completed translations
French En ayant assez du lait...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Romanian 1. Sindicatul este organizaţia a salariaţilor de...
1. Sindicatul este organizaţia salariaţilor de la S.C. IPROTIM Timişoara, care reuneşte pe baza liberului consimţământ: muncitorii, tehnicienii, economiştii, inginerii şi alte categorii, indiferent de naţionalitate, sex, vârstă, convingeri politice, religioase.
2. Scopul este de a organiza lupta unită a membrilor săi pentru apărarea drepturilor şi promovarea intereselor lor profesionale, sociale, economice şi culturale.
Edited with diacritics/Freya

Completed translations
Italian Il sindacato è un'organizzazione dei ...
Source language
Albanian sa e bukur. tung klm puthje
sa e bukur.
tung klm puthje
<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Completed translations
Romanian Atât de frumoasă.
English So beautiful. Hi klm, kisses.
Italian così bella
Source language
English See you never
See you never

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Até nunca mais ver!
Italian a mai più rivederci
Source language
English I wanna know if you feel the way I do, wanna know...
I wanna know if you feel the way I do, wanna know if theres a chance for me and you

Completed translations
Italian voglio sapere se...
Source language
Arabic تعلمت عدم الثقة لأي شخص
تعلمت عدم الثقة لأي شخص

Completed translations
Italian Abbiamo imparato che non bisogna fidarsi di nessuno
Source language
Spanish besos y abrasos en todo el cuerpo besame ...
besos y abrasos en todo el cuerpo besame besame mucho TAMBIEN

Completed translations
French baisers et étreintes sur tous le corps donne-moi un baiser
Source language
German hey ich weiß nicht wie du denkst,aber ich hab...
hey ich weiß nicht wie du denkst,aber ich hab mich irgendwie in dich verliebt,ich glaub das war ein fehler. ich weiss es auch nicht.aber wenn ich dich sehe dann geht mein herz voll ab.. ich kann dieses gefühl nicht beschreiben..

Completed translations
Romanian Hei, nu ştiu cum gâneşti tu, însă eu m-am ...
Source language
English Turn crankshaft again
C)Turn crankshaft again and check the crossfiting moment across breaker contact points.When crossfiting happens the angle on timing chain cover facing the boss mark of crankshaft is ignition timing.
(D)If ignition timing is not within 6+-20 loosen the locknuts for distributor housing and adjust it by swinging the housing anticlockwise increases ignition advance angle, while swinging clockwise reduces it.

Completed translations
Romanian rotiţi din nou arborele cotit
Source language
Turkish 2 milyon dönüm arsa...
2 milyon dönüm arsa...
<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Completed translations
English 800 acres
11Source language11
English Food is happiness. Food is love.
Food is happiness. Food is love.
Standard Arabic
Dutch (Netherlands)
French (France)
Also, for the languages that do not use the Latin alphabet (like Chinese, Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, etc), I would like it if they could please be written in their own writing system. Thanks!

Completed translations
Greek Το φαγητό είναι ευτυχία. Το φαγητό είναι αγάπη.
Chinese simplified 食物是幸福。食物是爱。
Portuguese brazilian Alimento é felicidade. Alimento é amor.
Swedish Mat är lycka. Mat är kärlek
Czech Jídlo je štěstí. Jídlo je láska.
Italian Alimento è felicità. Alimento è amore.
Arabic الأكل هو السعادة. الأكل هو الحب.
Dutch Voedsel is blijdschap. Voedsel is liefde
Polish Jedzenie jest szczęściem. Jedzenie jest miłością.
Hebrew אוכל
Ukrainian Їжа - це щастя. Їжа це кохання.
German Essen ist Glück. Essen ist Liebe.
French Aliment est joie. Aliment est amour.
Spanish El alimento es felicidad. El alimento es amor.
Russian Еда - это счастье. Еда - это любовь.
Japanese 食べ物とは幸せ。食べ物とは愛。
Turkish Yiyecek mutluluktur. Yiyecek sevgidir.
Latin Cibus
Korean 먹거리는 행복입니다. 먹거리는 사랑입니다.
Hindi भोजन खुशी है। भोजन ही प्यार।
Thai อาหารคือความสุข อาหารคือความรัก
Vietnamese Thức ăn là tình yêu. Thức ăn là hạnh phúc.
Source language
Turkish oyunun kahramanı olan "yolcu" son günlerde...
oyunun kahramanı olan "yolcu" son günlerde uzaktan sesler duymaktadır. bu ses hep aynı soruyu sorar."yıldızlara baktın mı?fakat yolcu, yıldızları görememektedir.bir at arabasına binerek teleskopla yıldızları görebilmek için rasathanenin yolunu tutar rasathane müdürü filozof yapılı bir adamdır.yolcuya gece vakti rasathaneye girmenin yasak olduğunu söyler.yolcu,rasathane müdürü ve arabacı arasında ara sıra tartışmaya dönüşen koyu bir sohbet baslar.
ingiliz lehcesinde olursa iyi olur

Completed translations
English 'the traveller'
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