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Source language
Serbian laku noci ljubav moj i bog da bude kon tebe svaki...
laku noci ljubav moj i bog da bude kon tebe svaki dan

Completed translations
Romanian Noapte bună, iubirea mea
Italian Buona notte amore mio e che Dio sia con te ogni giorno....
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Serbian Postovani, Pretpostavili smo da bi ste voleli da...

Pretpostavili smo da bi ste voleli da Vas obavestimo da pocinje sa radom .
Kao nekoga ko voli da se igra, da se kladi, da se takmici sigurno Vas zanima klub koji je u mogucnosti da svojim clanovima omoguci beneficije prilikom kladjenja

Takav je!

Klub koji ce svojim clanovima omoguciti mnoge pogodnosti od koji je sigurno najprimamljivija vracanje novca za jedan promasen par!
Postanite clan, nastavite da igrate i da dobijate, cak i onda kada promasite jedan par!

Completed translations
Romanian Stimată doamnă / domn
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Italian Ciao perche no mi ami perche mi dice que no sono...
Ciao perche no mi ami perche mi dice que no sono la ragazza per te

Completed translations
English hello
Spanish hola
Source language
Romanian Lume lume soro lume
Lume, soro lume
Că aşa e lumea trecătoare
Unul naÅŸte ÅŸi altul moare

Cel ce naÅŸte chefuieÅŸte
Cel ce moare putrezeÅŸte

Căci de mama şi de tata
Nu te saturi niciodată

Lume, soro, lume
Şi de fraţi şi de surori
Nu te saturi până mori
I'm sorry but I can't find any version with diacritics :(
If someone knows one, I'll be glad to substitute it.


Completed translations
English World, world, sister world
Source language
Turkish mavi mavi
Yıllardır bir özlemdi
Yanıp durdu bağrımda
Tam ümidi kesmişken
Onu gördüm karşımda

Gözleri boncuk mavi
Bir gördüm aşık oldum
bu gelen kimin yari?

Hayat denen bu yolda
Yürürken adım adım
MutluluÄŸu ararken
Birden Ona rastladm

Completed translations
English Blue blue
Greek Μπλε μπλε
Spanish Azul azul
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Serbian hvala! ulepsao si mi dan!!!
hvala! ulepsao si mi dan!!!

Completed translations
English Thank you. You make my day better.
Italian ti ringrazio. hai reso migliore la mia giornata.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish Her Sözüm Aklimda, Senden Hatira, Icimde Bir...
Her Sözüm Aklimda, Senden Hatira, Icimde Bir Seyler Can Cekisiyor, Yenildim sonunda, Bu Son Ayaza, Bahiri Beklerken, Gulum Soluyo

Completed translations
English I remember all my words
Danish Jeg kan huske alle mine ord
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Japanese aishiteru anata desu
aishiteru anata desu

obrigamo-nos retirar esta parte do vosso pedido de tradução: “ano bindyn no ha” porque aquilo não tem nenhuma significado em japonês

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian É você quem eu amo
English It's you the one I love.
Source language
German Ich liebe deine Vielseitigkeit - du bist...
Ich liebe deine Vielseitigkeit - du bist fröhlich, kannst aber auch ernst sein, bist Temperamentvoll aber auch sehr anschmiegsam und zärtlich - du bist einfach wunderbar.
Ich würde gerne wissen wie du dir die Zukunft vorstellst, welche Wünsche und Träume du hast und ob ich vielleicht in deiner Zukunft auch eine Rolle spielen darf.

Completed translations
English I love your versatility!
Romanian ÃŽmi place flexibilitatea ta!
Source language
Basque suerte ona dut
suerte ona dut

Completed translations
Spanish Tengo buena suerte
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish hey cok tesekkür
hey cok tesekkür ederim kabul ettigin icin.
resimleriniz cok güzel, mutlulugunuzun devami diliyorum!...
türkceyi cok güzel konusuyorsun, tebrikler!...

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Oi, agradeço muito que você tenha aceitado
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
German ichhab herausgefunden was du mir gestern...
hab herausgefunden was du mir gestern geschrieben hast.echt süss.ich denk auch viel an dich

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian descobri o que escreveu
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Serbian mada muškarac je odeća na temelju , to nije jedan...
mada muškarac je odeća na temelju , to nije jedan loš pogled

nijedan odeća vrlo dobar

Completed translations
English Suit shows what a man is,...
44Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".44
Japanese Kiminotede kirisaite tooihino kiouwo
Kiminotede kirisaite tooihino kiouwo

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Com suas mãos, rasgue em pedaços as memórias dos dias longínquos
34Source language34
Japanese ・彼は私の先輩だ ・後輩の面倒を見る ・仕事を辞める ・ようやく仕事が決まる
・彼は私の先輩だ ・後輩の面倒を見る ・仕事を辞める
These phrases are things which i could translate in portugues(brazilian).

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian . Ele é o meu Senior. Sou responsável ...
44Source language44
Japanese 喉に優しい
Maybe "喉に優しい" is translated as "Throat-friendly" or "be tender to throat".

<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Uma voz doce
10Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".10
Japanese HOTARU NO HIKARI Hotaru no hikari mado no yuki...

Hotaru no hikari mado no yuki
Fumi yomu tsukihi kassanetsutsu
Itsushika toshimo suguino towo
Aketezo kessawa wakare yuku

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian A LUZ DOS PIRILAMPOS
Source language
Turkish - stres felan yok artık - sınav soruları geldiii
- stres felan yok artık
- sınav soruları geldiii

Completed translations
English no more
Source language
Romanian Bună, ce faci? Am tot încercat să-ţi scriu,dar din păcate tu nu vorbeşti...
Bună, ce faci? Am tot încercat să-ţi scriu, dar, din păcate, tu nu vorbeşti limba engleză, iar eu nu vorbesc limba turcă. Îmi pare rău, dar web—ul meu nu funcţionează deocamdată, aş vrea foarte mult sa te văd. De când ţi-am văzut profilul pe hi5 mi-ai plăcut foarte mult şi aş vrea să păstrăm legătura, dacă vrei. Te pup dulce. Ai grijă de tine.

Completed translations
English Adeluiza
Turkish Adeluiza
Source language
Serbian sta...
sta ima kako je u Bg-u? Kada se vracas ja sam ovde poceo, bice tesko... poz

Completed translations
English What's up?
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