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20Source language
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Turkish aşk bir renkse siyah ve beyazın griye dönüşmüş...
aşk bir renkse siyah ve beyazın griye dönüşmüş halidir

Completed translations
English If love is a colour
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Serbian E pa kako mislis da se dopisujemo?
E pa kako mislis da se dopisujemo?

Completed translations
English Well how do you think that we correspond?
Source language
Turkish Beyzbol fanatiğisin demek.Türkiyenin yabancı...
Selam Indriani
Beyzbol fanatiğisin demek.Türkiyenin yabancı olduğu bir spor.Bizde futbol var :) Dikkatimi çekende Leonesin logosundaki aslan benim futbol takımımında simgesi.Galatasarayın..
İspanyolcadanda anlamam ama venezuellanın güzelleri hakkında bilgimiz mevcuttur :)
Ankaradan Caracas 'a selamlar..

Completed translations
English So, you are a baseball fan.
Spanish fanática de béisbol
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Urdu "يا مسبب الاسباب يا حلال المشاكل يا ...
"يا مسبب الأسباب يا حلَال المشكلات يا شافي الأمراض"

یے وظیفہ عشا کی نماز کے بعد 5 سو ورتبا پڈھنا ہے اور

Before edit, text was in Latin characters : "Ya musbebal asbab ya helal mushklal ya shafi yl amraz". Ye wazifa esha ki namaz k bad 5 so mdrtba Perna he aur nenge.....

Note : part between quotation marks (in the text frame as well as the one above in he remarks field) is some prayer in Arabic.

Completed translations
English Ya musbebal asbab
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish sen neymişsin maşallah. Türkçe bildiğini bana...
sen neymişsin maşallah.Türkçe bildiğini bana söylememiştin.Sen kaç dil biliyon Allah aşkına?

Completed translations
English You are such a talented, wonderful person
Portuguese brazilian Você é uma pessoa tão talentosa, tão maravilhosa...
Source language
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Turkish yalcin
ya sen neden benle uqrasıyon ??? hep neden mesaj atıyon oqremebılırmıyom ??? deyıl kı

Completed translations
English Why
Bulgarian Защо
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish dikkatli ol o rabin onun gibilerin sahiibinede yaratı
dikkatli ol o rabin onun gibilerin sahiibinede yaratı
photo comment

Completed translations
English BEHOLD
Source language
Bosnian ljubav da ti dam
ljubav da ti dam

Completed translations
Turkish Sana Aşkımı Vereyim
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Latin argissime dr prophetia ispirato divina occulta...
Largissime dr prophetia ispiratio divina occulta denuncians, et hoc mo prophetia no magis de pteritis , q. de psentibus, et de futuris est, cu utraq; possint esse abscodita, et a Deo revelata: et sic historia creationis, q. Moyses scripsit in Genesi.
This passage is difficult for me to decipher b/c the author abbreviates many of the words. My impression is that he means to say something like: the greatest level of prophecy is knowledge of hidden facts, whether of the past, the present or the future, facts that are knowable only through divine revelation.


futurities --> futuris /wrong deciphered from he original/ <edited by Aneta B.>

Completed translations
English Prophecy
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Italian voglio restare così magari fino in ...
voglio restare così magari fino in fondo, il mondo attorno ormai, non mi interesa più, mi basta averti qui e stringerti così. mi basta un gesto tuo, un sorriso, una parola, e un attimo così vale un' eternità. accendi un fuoco e poi, restiamo soli. noi!

Completed translations
English I want to stay like this at least until...
Source language
Bulgarian Обичам те, нали го знаеш? Не се сърди.
Обичам те, нали го знаеш? Не се сърди.

Completed translations
Turkish Seni seviyorum.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Russian Любовь зла, полюбишь и козла.
Любовь зла, полюбишь и козла.

Completed translations
English Love is blind
Hebrew האהבה עיוורת
Source language
Danish Kærlighed er overalt. Du behøver ikke jage den....
Kærligheden er overalt.
Du behøver ikke jage den.
Ã…ben op
og den kommer af sig selv.

Completed translations
French L'amour est partout. Tu pas pas besoin de le...
English love
Source language
Danish Hvor mørkt det end ser ud, vil kærligheden altid...
Hvor mørkt det end ser ud,
vil kærligheden altid sejre.

Completed translations
French Même si cela paraît très sombre,...
English love wins
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Hebrew עוד יבוא שלום עלינו
עוד יבוא שלום עלינו
Text edited in its original script according to jairhaas's suggestion.

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Ainda virá a paz sobre nós.
French Un jour la paix viendra sur nous.
Hungarian egy nap...
Arabic السلام
Serbian Jednoga dana...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Λοιπόν επειδή δεν γουστάρω να ξυπνάω μέσα στη νύχτα και να δίνω εξηγήσεις δεν ξαναγράφω τίποτα!!ΕΛΕΟΣ ΠΙΑΑΑ"
Before edit: "Loipon epeidh de goustarw na xipnaw mesa sth nyxta kai na dinw exhghseis, de xanagrafw tpt!! ELEOS PIAAA"

Completed translations
English That's enough!
Serbian prevod sa engleskog
Source language
French Je ne crois pas que ce sera un ...
Je ne crois pas que ce sera un problème pour cette fois ci.
On fera attention la prochaine fois quand nous passerons une nouvelle commande.

Completed translations
Italian Non credo che sarà un problema questa volta
Source language
Spanish Te deseo que pases un feliz día de tu...
Te deseo que pases un feliz día de tu cumpleaños.
Feliz cumpleaños.

Completed translations
Italian Buon compleanno!
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Icelandic bìlinn
Hefurðu áhuga á að setja bílinn uppí íbúð? Ég væri til í að taka hann uppí á 1 miljón. það er góður leigumarkaður á svæðinu....

Completed translations
Danish Bilen.
English The car.
Portuguese brazilian Você tem interesse em levar o carro como parte do pagamento pelo partamento?
Source language
Swedish På senaste tiden hade hans förhållande till Angel...
På senaste tiden hade hans förhållande till Angel blivit sämre och sämre
Brittisk engelska

Completed translations
English Recently his relationship with Angel
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