Hi Raistlin,
I suppose your last message was addressed to me, therefore I'm going to answer it.
I see you are a newby on Cucumis and that's why you are not still completely aware of how the site works.
We are a community of volunteers trying to help out people communicate. Although our service is free, we try to give those who ask us for help the best possible result on their requests. The translations they get must sound as if a native speaker of the target language had done them. The role of an expert is making sure that the final text will not sound weird or fake to the ears of a native. When there's more than one alternative for a text, a line or even a single word, we will discuss until we reach an agreement on the best choice. That's an usual procedure here, and what the polls are intended to.
Any suggestions given are taken into account. Sometimes the translator or the expert may accept them, others not.
We can't consider them as just criticism and must not be "offended" or "discouraged" by them.
On the contrary, being right or wrong, they always teach us something. Nobody is absolutely right all the time, not even experts, specially when we are dealing with a number of so different languages, each of them holding varied nuances of vocabulary and interpretation.
You may become a valuable member as long as you are able to accept that other people may help you do a better work now and then.
I'm sure that when you are asked to help evaluating other people's translations, you give (or will) suggestions with the same intention of helping not criticizing.