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原始文本 - 英语 - 1)Put the DLL make in Gunz Folder 2)Open My...

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1)Put the DLL make in Gunz Folder 2)Open My...
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源语言: 英语

1)Put the DLL make in Gunz Folder
2)Open My program
3)Select Gunz.exe
4)Choose a good DLL name (i donht know if that's buggd but he make a dll)
5)Then you klik on the button New Coder Finder and choose a copple of good codes
6) Go Back to program and typ in DLL Source Codes:the code;other code;and a copple more
7)Klik on Create And the dll had come in the gunz folder and then you most open injec-Tor and put it in
2008年 四月 16日 10:15