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翻译 - 英语-波斯尼亚语 - Gravity in our Galaxy (Optional) ...

本文可用以下语言: 英语波斯尼亚语

Gravity in our Galaxy (Optional) ...
提交 jasmin_ruza
源语言: 英语

Gravity in our Galaxy (Optional)
Gravity obviously extends much further than the Moon. Newton himself showed the inverse-square law also explained Kepler's laws--for instance, the 3rd law, by which the motion of planets slows down, the further they are from the Sun.
react to electromagnetic or nuclear forces, and scientists are still seeking more information about it.

Gravity in our Galaxy (Optional) ... BN

翻译 Comv
目的语言: 波斯尼亚语

Gravitacija u našoj galaksiji(Opcionalno)
Gravitacija očito dosježe mnogo dalje od mjeseca. Sam Njutn je pokazao zakon obrnute-kocke i objasnio Keplerove zakone-- na primjer, treći zakon, po kom se kretanje planeta usporava, srazmjerno s udaljenosti od sunca.
reakcije na elektromagnetne ili nuklearne sile, i naučnici još uvijek traže još informacija o tome.
lakil认可或编辑 - 2009年 三月 25日 15:08