Hi Alex,
I've got some tips for you, if you don't mind:
1."ut amorem doctum a luna sentiam" sounds a bit unclear.
"ut amorem
a luna doctum sentiam" would be so much clearer.
But as a matter of fact, I wouldn't use participium "doctum" here. It is too ambiguous, because it might be also an adjective.
What about:
"ut amorem
quem ex luna didici sentiam"?
2. "ut monstrem coelum iam illic esse"
"monstrem" --> to the end of the sentence, please.
"coelum iam illic esse" --> coelum instare (=to be close)?
3. The most difficult one: "quod somniavi esse"
--> "ut is/id sim, de quo me esse somniavi"?
They are just my proposals. Tell me, Alex, whether you like them or not.