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原始文本 - 英语 - Bunder drove fiercely in the crown of the road,...

本文可用以下语言: 英语法语

讨论区 文学 - 文化

Bunder drove fiercely in the crown of the road,...
提交 Nad007
源语言: 英语

Bunder drove fiercely in the crown of the road, aiming from one trolley-bus to the next, since each one blocked any possibility of seeing the road ahead. As the street became gradually clearer of traffic, he drove faster and more wildly, staking everything on the fact that the police in the following car would have to retain, amid their haste, some consideration for the public safety. Courting death, their own and anyone else's, was the one possible chance of escape.
2007年 十月 3日 05:48