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翻译 - 西班牙语-拉丁语 - Por que de tal manera amo Dios al mundo que ha...

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Por que de tal manera amo Dios al mundo que ha...
提交 patagonia
源语言: 西班牙语

Por que de tal manera amo Dios al mundo que ha dado a su hijo unigenito para que todo aquel que en el cree no se pierda mas tenga vida eterna.
Esto es un texto biblico. Se encuentro en el libro, de el evangelio segun San Juan capitulo 3 versiculo 16.

John 3:16

翻译 trealistorm
目的语言: 拉丁语

Nam Deus amavit mundum, itaque misit suum filium tam qui credet in deo non poterit esse mortuus sed tenebit vitam eternam.
Sic enim Deus dilexit mundum, ut Filium suum unigenitum daret: ut omnis qui credit in eum, non pereat, sed habeat vitam aeternam
Cammello认可或编辑 - 2008年 五月 17日 15:24



2008年 一月 29日 08:29

文章总计: 256
Trealistorm, please edit your text according to the source language, otherwise I will have to reject it. The translation doesn't reflect the source text.

2008年 一月 29日 12:42

文章总计: 2
I'm sorry? What exactly do you mean by the source language/source text? What exactly are you looking for?

2008年 一月 29日 12:51

文章总计: 256
Trealistorm, the text in Spanish is saying something and the Latin some other things. Some parts of the Latin do not exist in Spanish. The same, some parts from Latin do not appear in the Spanish text. I'm sorry but you must review your translation.
P.S. The source text is Spanish, the target language is Latin.

2008年 二月 15日 12:10

文章总计: 256
I thought the English translation for the Spanish text was this: "Because God loved the world so much, he gave it to his only (unic,unigenitus) son so that everything in which he believed not to be lost, but to keep an eternal life".
If my translation is ok, then where is "unigenitus" in Latin ?
Lilian Canale, could you tell me if my English translation is ok, from Spanish? I am a little troubled here. I can give you points if you want.
Than you!

CC: lilian canale

2008年 五月 4日 05:58

文章总计: 3
Everything is good except for one tiny detail. In the part "tam qui credet in deo..." tam doesn't belong. I know that tam means so, but not in this instance, I'd use a result clause instead: "Nam Deus tam mundum dilexit, ut suum filium genitum miseret ne qui Deo credunt exciderent, at vitam externam tenerent."

However, the Vulgate (The Bible in Latin) translates John 3:16 as "Sic enim Deus dilexit mundum, ut Filium suum unigenitum daret: ut omnis qui credit in eum, non pereat, sed habeat vitam aeternam," Which is also correct.

2008年 五月 14日 17:19

文章总计: 77
Bible isn't anything to translate simply: since there is the Latin version, i think we should use it.

[it's the same if we speak about Coran, or other Holy scripts]

I agree with Shallgre, using Vulgata's paragraph.

Thanks to trealistorm, but Spanish version is only a translation from the Latin version (which is a translations from Greek, which is a translation from older books)

Translating again from Spanish to Latin, make the sense of original words goes away to don't come back anymnore. Do we have the original version? i think we should use it.

It's just my opinion.

CC: lilian canale