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Source language
Italian Buona Sera, Mi chiamo Irene, ho trovato...
Buona Sera,
Mi chiamo Irene, ho trovato l'indirizzo e mail su un sito internet riguardo l'Erasmus a Cluj Napoca.
Siccome a settembre dovrei fare l'Erasmus proprio li, volevo sapere se era possibile avere qualche informazione dal momento che non so proprio come muovermi... Mi riferisco sia per quanto riguarda gli alloggi, sia per quanto riguarda le materie e i corsi da seguire...
Spero di poter ricevere spesso notizie...
Grazie anticipatamente....

Completed translations
Romanian Bună seara
10Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".10
Italian Ti amo e non voglio perderti,ma a volte non sono...
Ti amo e non voglio perderti,ma a volte non sono sicura di quello che tu provi per me....

Completed translations
Romanian Te iubesc ÅŸi nu vreau
Albanian të dua e nuk dua të të humbas, por ndonjëherë nuk jam..
Source language
Latin de poena possum equidem dicere id quod res...
de poena possum equidem dicere id quod res habet:in luctu atque miseris mortem aerumnarum requiem,non cruciatum esse.
sed ita censeao:publicandas eorum pecunias,ipsos in vinculis habendos per municipia
British English

Completed translations
English However, I can say about the ...
Romanian Pedeapsa cu moartea sau inchisoare
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Danish Advarselslampe for pæresvigt, hvis lampen...
Advarselslampe for pæresvigt.
Hvis lampen er tændt, når der trædes på bremsepedalen, betyder det, at ét eller flere bremselys ikke fungerer (herunder tredje bremselys). Kontrollér sikringer og pærer.
tekst tilrettet af Anita

Completed translations
English Warning lamp for failing light bulb.
Portuguese brazilian Lâmpada de aviso de falha.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish Sevgili olalım mı
Sevgili olalım mı

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian quer namorar comigo?
24Source language24
Chinese simplified 金融危机下对我国上市公司公允价值问题的探讨

金融风暴席卷全球,从美洲、欧洲到亚洲,无一不受到波及。事实证明,此次风暴来袭,首当其冲的就是金融资产,其市场价值应声而落,惨不忍睹。为此,各国政府积极应对,纷纷出台了一些应急办法,以减缓危机带来的金融资产帐面大幅缩水的局面。此前作为预防金融风险利器的公允价值会计准则,在此轮金融危机中却被指责为“雪上加霜”甚至“落井下石”的“帮凶”。面对 飞流直下的股价,上市公司苦不堪言,如果摆脱危机带来的麻烦,已成为上市公司面临的最艰难问题。下文分析和总结了金融危机对我国上市公司公允价值的影响,利用举例法来探讨上市公司应如何摆脱困境。
Well, this is a translation request of my friend, I don't know some of the words in the context, so ..

Completed translations
English How is the Financial Crisis affecting China's Listed Companies?
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Arabic ان ضمير الانسان كائن حي يتكلم في اعماق النفس...
ان ضمير الانسان كائن حي يتكلم في اعماق النفس يخاطب القلب انه كائن عادل يئنب بقسوة وعلم ان اي انساان لا يملك ضمير فماهة بئنسان بل وحش في صورة نسان

Completed translations
French la conscience de l'homme est un être humain
English The conscience of a man...
Source language
Hebrew מתגעגעת אליך מאד. אתה חסר לי
מתגעגעת אליך מאד. אתה חסר לי

Completed translations
English I miss you very much
Arabic أشتاق إليك كثيرا...
German vermissen
Source language
English You were expected to arrive earlier.
You were expected to arrive earlier.
French from France, please, or Esperanto.

This phrase might be remarked to someone who has arrived late.

Completed translations
French Vous étiez supposé arriver plus tôt.
Esperanto Atendita
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".

Completed translations
Spanish Eres mi único amor, te quiero ...
Source language
Bosnian Sta ti znacim ja samo komad proslog vremena sta...
Sta ti znacim ja
samo komad proslog vremena
sta ti znacim ja
ni rodbina, ni sudbina

Ja covjek sa dva lica
ja muska kukavica
sto nikad nisam smio da priznam
jesi li zena ili ljubavnica

U ovim godinama
svaka nova je kao uvreda
u ovim godinama
ni ljubav vise nije pobjeda

Completed translations
Turkish Sana ne ifade ediyorum Sadece geçmişin bir parçası
10Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".10
Portuguese brazilian Quando sentir a minha falta olhe para o céu a...
Quando sentir a minha falta olhe para o céu a estrela mais brilhante, lá estarei eu apenas para lhe dizer boa noite, e se no futuro eu não for seu presente lembre-se que fui parte do seu passado!
Espero mesmo que com a distância você nunca me esqueça. Beijo, te amo do fundo do meu coraçao.
diacritics edited/text corrected.
"Quando sentires a minha falta olhe para o céu a estrela mais brilhante, lá estarei eu apenas para te dizer boa noite, e se no futuro eu não for seu presente lembre-se que fui parte do seu passado!
Espero mesmo com a distancia voçe nunca mim esqueça.Beijo te amo tu fundo do meu coraçao."

Completed translations
Turkish Yokluğumu hissedeceğini zaman, gökyüzünde bak...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English i can than also give you
i can than also give you an agreement about saba warehouse

Completed translations
Turkish Saba depo
Source language
German Wenn ich gewusst hätte, wie schwer es ist dich...
Wenn ich gewusst hätte,
wie schwer es ist dich zu vergessen, hätte ich mich nie an Dich erinnert.

Wenn ich gewusst hätte,
wie schwer es ist nicht an dich zu denken,
hätte ich nie an dich gedacht.

Wenn ich gewusst hätte,
wie schwer es ist dich nicht zu lieben,
hätte ich dich nie geliebt.

Wenn ich gewusst hätte,
wie schwer es wird Dich los zulassen,
hätte ich dich nie berührt.

Wenn ich es gewusst hätte ...

Was bleibt mir jetzt???

Ich erinnere mich an dich ...
Ich denke an Dich ...
Ich liebe Dich ...
Nur berühren darf ich dich nicht ...

Wenn ich es gewusst hätte ...
Dann wäre ich heute nicht kaputt und am Ende

Completed translations
Turkish Seni unutmak
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Romanian nu uita ca sunt ink sub pulsul lumii ...
nu uita ca sunt ink sub pulsul lumii mn
<edit> "ღnu uita ca sunt ink sub pulsul lumii mn" with "nu uita ca sunt ink sub pulsul lumii mn" </edit> (04/05/francky)

Correct way it reads is probably :
"Nu uita că sunt încă sub pulsul lumii tale..în mine"

(04/05/francky thanks to Maddie's input)

Completed translations
Turkish unutmaki hala senin dunyanin nabzindayim...icimde
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English are you today?let's go to seaside in... are you today?let's go to seaside in turkey...

Completed translations
Turkish Selam
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Romanian Tu eşti viaţa mea şi lumina mea
Tu eşti viaţa mea şi lumina mea.
<Before edits> TU ESTI VIATA MEA SI LUMINA MEA <Freya>

Completed translations
English You are my life and my light.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish Hayat insana çok şeyler öğretiyor.Artık sıkıldım...
Bu şarkı benim için çok anlamlıdır.Hayat insana çok şeyler öğretiyor.Artık sıkıldım herşeyden.Bu ülkeyi terketmek istiyorum.İŞ bulamıyorum,aşk bulamıyorum.Ailem dışında bir bağım kalmadı.Onlarda destek oldular.Yakında Londraya gidicem.Sen neler yapıyosun?Nasıl gidiyor hayat?

Completed translations
English This song
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