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Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Portuguese O amor de Cecília é fulgaz; o amor de Deus é...
O amor de Cecília é fulgaz; o amor de Deus é eterno.

Completed translations
Latin Amor Ceciliae est fugax, amor dei est aeternus
Source language
Spanish Mi familia, mis angeles.
Mi papá, mi angel, estará por siempre en mi corazón
lo mas exacto posible, si cambian algo que tenga el mismo significado por favor, si es posible arabe LIBANES y Latin seria el oro idioma.

Completed translations
Latin Pater meus, angelus meus
Greek Η οικογένειά μου, οι άγγελοί μου.
Arabic والدي ملاكي ستكون فى قلبي الي الابد
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Portuguese A) O amor de Cecília é fulgaz; o amor de Deus é...
A) O amor de Cecília é fulgaz; o amor de Deus é eterno.
B) Roma é uma cidade grande e famosa
C) Os soldados foram aplicados e os escravos gregos preguiçosos.
D) Os velhos professores dos meninos romanos foram competentes.
E)O escravo da Germânia é feroz.
F) As estrelas sempre são brilhantes.
G)O vinho é bom.

Completed translations
Latin Amor Ceciliae est fugax, amor dei est aeternus
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish asikim sana
asikim sana

Completed translations
French Je suis amoureuse de toi
Source language
Bonjour merci de bien vouloir me traduire ce texte;c est mon ami qui m envoie des textos et comme je ne conais pas cette langue... merci

Completed translations
French Toi non plus n'oublie pas. Moi ...
10Source language10
Russian молчишь?желаю найти тебе турчанку, которая будет...
молчишь? желаю найти тебе турчанку, которая будет любить тебя так же сильно,как любила я!ти наверно плохо обо мне думаешь!Но я не такая!я тебе никогда не врала!я очень сильно сомниваюсь, любиш ли ти меня,или ти говорил ето все, чтоби добиться одного...

Completed translations
Turkish KonuÅŸmuyorsun?....
English Silent?
Source language
Portuguese brazilian Só haverá mudanças se houver grupos ou combinar...
Só haverá mudanças se houver grupos ou combinar antecipadamente...
inglês britânico.

Completed translations
English There will be changes....
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish Akneye Meyilli Ciltler İçin Solüsyon
Kullanımı: Ürünü uygulamadan önce cildinizi iyice temizleyiniz. Akneye meyilli bölgelere günde bir defa uygulayınız. Rahatsız edici bir kuruluk ya da soyulma meydana gelirse uygulamayı günaşırı bir defaya düşürünüz.
İngilizce ders ödevi olarak verilmiştir. Yardımcı olursanız sevinirim.

Completed translations
English Directions:
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
German (Koch, 24) Übersicht 2 zeigt die frühen...
(Koch, 24) Übersicht 2 zeigt die frühen eigenständigen Sätze aus den Jahren 1823-27 – sie alle sind in Nachlassband 5 überliefert.
Bemerkung 12: Bei den sogenannten Nachlassbänden handelt es sich um von Mendelssohn selbst zusammengestellte Bände mit Kompositionen, die heute in der Stattbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz und der Biblioteka Jagiellońska, Krakau aufbewahrt werden.

Completed translations
English Table 2
Source language
Romanian Datele situaţiei în care se găsesc acum o parte...
Datele situaţiei în care se găsesc acum o parte dintre cumpărătorii de apartamente nelivrate nu sunt încă bine definite. Nu poate fi vorba de un fenomen, dar situaţia se poate acutiza. Cei care au achiziţionat cu scop investiţional vor să iasă din afacere pentru că piaţa se întoarce împotriva lor. Fluctuaţiile cursului de schimb al leului din ultima perioadă au contribuit masiv la pierderea încrederii şi la instaurarea unui sentiment de teamă în rândul potenţialilor cumpărători.

Completed translations
English The data related to the situation
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish askım senı cok sevıyorum
askım senı cok sevıyorum

Completed translations
Danish Jeg elsker dig så meget, min skat.
English My love
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Arabic أكل الكلب
أكل الكلب

Completed translations
English The dog ate
Source language
Turkish Merhaba. Ben Ä°spanyolca bilmiyorum.
Üzgünüm ama ben İspanyolca bilmiyorum.Umarım sen İngilizce biliyorsundur.Kendine iyi bak.Hoşçakal.

Completed translations
Spanish Hola, Lo siento, pero no sé español .
Source language
Arabic كتكوت لكم الحب
كتكوت لكم الحب

Completed translations
English chick, love is for you.
Italian ragazza, l'amore è per te
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Albanian pash zotin
pash zotin

Completed translations
English I swear
Swedish jag svär
Danish Jeg bander
Norwegian Jeg sverger
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish İçimde dolaşan alkol gibi sana ...
İçimde dolaşan alkol gibi sana gitgide sarhoş oluyorum

Completed translations
Italian di ora in ora divento ubriaco di te ...
Spanish A cada hora me emborracho de ti
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English Tuyap Packaging...
I just met you at the Tuyap Packaging exhibition and I would like to thank you first for the sample of the recycle plates produced by Sunnap in Taiwan.
I would appreciate if you can send me the contact details of the export manager and I am sure he will thank you for that since we are the largest importer for disposable in the Israeli market.
Since we have similar business, feel free to enter our web site and if you need any assistance you may call me anytime.

Completed translations
Turkish Tüyap Ambalaj sergisi
Source language
Turkish Dökülür yedi verenler teninden Teninden...
Dökülür yedi verenler teninden
Teninden Rengarenk
Açarsın mevsimli mevsimsiz birtanem
Değişir kokun, ısınır tenin beni yakarsın
Vazgeçilir gibi değil bu med cezirler...

Fırtınam felaketim hasretim
Yetmiyor seviÅŸmeler yetmiyor
Şiddetin ne hoş ne güzel şefkatin

Completed translations
French chanson
Source language
Spanish Amarte asi me..
Amarte asi me
ha ensenado lo que es el dolor,
quererte asi es un misterio
que yo no comprendo, no

Completed translations
Bulgarian Обичта ми ...
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