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Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Portuguese brazilian Odeio ficar assim, não gosto nenhum um pouco...
Odeio ficar assim, não me sinto muito bem.
Não sei traduzir esta frase, é algo sobre minha vida diária.

Completed translations
English I hate being this way, I don't feel very well.
Source language
German ich wünsche dir einen schönen tag und ich denk an...
ich wünsche dir einen schönen tag und ich denk an dich.viele liebe grüsse

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian desejo você um bom dia e eu penso em você. muitos cumprimentos
Romanian Îţi doresc o zi bună....
Source language
Serbian Kako si mi i sta radis? Da li si juce bio na...
Kako si mi i sta radis? Da li si juce bio na sastanku povodom dodele nagrada za ovu godinu? Pozdrav i hvala ti.
francusko-svajcarski FR-CH

Completed translations
French Comment vas-tu et que fais-tu maintenant ? Etais tu à...
Italian come stai e cosa stai facendo adesso? eri...
English How are you and what are you doing now?
Source language
Dutch Hé, Wat heb jij een vette profielfoto, waar...
Hé, Wat heb jij een vette profielfoto, waar heb je die foto eigenlijk gemaakt. Zie je van het weekend.

Completed translations
English Hey, your profile picture rocks
Portuguese brazilian Hei, que foto maneira você tem no seu perfil!!
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish sen bașkasin
sen bașkasin

Completed translations
English you are different
Romanian Tu eÅŸti altfel.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish Sn. Jonathan Hutton Ä°ÅŸ yeriniz de iÅŸe baÅŸlad...
Sn. Jonathan Hutton

İş yeriniz de işe başladım.Temel ekonomi de yeterli seviye de olmadığımı biliyorum.Ama önceliklerimin başında temel ekonomi bilgimi geliştirmek olduğunu bilmenizi isterim.lütfen beni işten çıkartmayın...


Completed translations
English Dear
Source language
Italian si prega di spegnere la macchinetta del caffe una...
si prega di spegnere la macchinetta del caffe una volta usata grazie!!!

Completed translations
Romanian Vă rugăm să opriţi maşina de cafea
Source language
Italian Dopo una faticosa giornate sono molto stanco.
Dopo una faticosa giornate sono molto stanco.

Completed translations
English After a tiring day
Romanian După o zi obositoare...
Source language
Portuguese jantar magnífico...obrigado
jantar magnífico...obrigado
<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Completed translations
Romanian minunată cină... mulţumesc
Source language
Serbian dobre dan
dobre dan
<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Completed translations
Greek καλημέρα
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Hungarian Te vagy a mindenem
Te vagy a mindenem

Completed translations
German Du bist mein Ein und Alles
Romanian Tu eÅŸti singura ÅŸi totul pentru mine.
Source language
Spanish Cada día que pasa te echo más de menos. Cuento...
Cada día que pasa te echo más de menos. Cuento las horas que faltan para volver a verte y se me hacen eternas. Se me hace muy pesado estar tanto tiempo sin ti, sin sentirte,sin besarte,sin acariciarte...No sé que me dás que cada día estoy más loca(de amor) por ti, cerdillo.
Son unos pensamientos que tengo acerca del chico que más quiero, que por circunstancias de trabajo nos hemos separado una temporada y le hecho mucho de menos.

Completed translations
Romanian Cu fiecare zi ce trece, îmi lipseşti tot mai mult....
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish pardon!.. hangi duygu anlayamadım..
hangi duygu anlayamadım..

Completed translations
English excuse me
Arabic عفواً! أي شعور؟ لا أفهم...
Source language
English did you know that Banu has relations with a...
did you know that Banu has relations with a married man?

Completed translations
Turkish Ä°liÅŸki
10Source language10
Portuguese brazilian Onde não há limites
Onde não há limites
Eu fico muito agradecido pela resposta

Completed translations
Russian где нет ограничений
Norwegian Der, hvor er ingen grenser
Polish gdzie nie ma ograniczeń
Source language
Bulgarian Преди концерт
Преди концерт

Completed translations
Russian Перед концертом
22Source language22
Turkish Canım seni çok seviyorum. Yaşadığımız bu güzel...
Canım seni çok seviyorum. Yaşadığımız bu güzel günler için sana çok teşekkür ediyorum. Sen benim herşeyimsin.

Completed translations
French Mon coeur je t'aime beaucoup. Je te remercie
Spanish Mi corazón te quiero mucho. Te doy muchísimas gracias...
Swedish Älskling
English Sweetheart I love you very much. I thank you...
Bosnian Srce moje, mnogo te volim...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Swedish hej safet hur är det med dej i dag då
hej safet hur är det med dej i dag då
hej safet hur är det med dej i dag då

Completed translations
Bosnian zdravo safet. Kako si danas?
10Source language10
Swedish Du är dum i huvudet
Du är dum i huvudet

Completed translations
Bosnian ti si budala
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