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Source language
Spanish Ser feliz
Ser feliz puede ser algo tan dulce como morir después de un beso tan suave como las manos del viento tan simple como rezarle a Dios en un templo o imposible como tenerte a ti por ejemplo.

Completed translations
French Être heureux
English Being happy
Portuguese SEr FEliz
Portuguese brazilian Ser Feliz
Japanese 幸せであるということ
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Italian ho un regalo per te
ho un regalo per te.aspetto con ansia il momento di revederti.un bacio.ciao

Completed translations
Portuguese Tenho um presente para você
Source language
English travel direction
Dear Sir,

I am flying to Dublin; my flight number TK 1975 and it will be after 1 hour (the departure time is 7:55. Please help me, as I don’t know how to go to the gate of the flight going to Dublin.

Completed translations
Turkish seyahat yönlendirmesi
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Russian Это способ связать руки, (можно и самому себе...
Это способ связать руки, (можно и самому себе связать руки :-) и ноги :-) )
Обычным поясным ремнем, без использования замков ключей.. и даже "собачек" того-же ремня
Способ очень эффективный!!! И если вы хорошо затяните ремень, то без помощи зубов
будет очень тяжело (практически невозможно выпутаться!!!) так что не рекомендую его
для связывания рук за спиной и связывания рук с кляпом в зубах...
И так, приступим!!!

Completed translations
Bulgarian Това е начин да завържите ръце,
Source language
Russian Когда среднестатистическая американская семья...
Когда среднестатистическая американская семья вдруг решает отдохнуть, всем остальным нужно быть начеку. Если они сами хотят покалечиться, посадив за руль трейлера своего папашу - это их дело. Но если все-таки вам настолько не повезло, что вы оказались их соседями по лагерю, в котором наивно решили отдохнуть - будьте мужественны. И держитесь поближе к полотенцу и мылу, ведь в трейлере этой семейки наверняка плохи дела с канализацией. В одном успокоение - отпуск длится всего две недели.

Completed translations
Bulgarian Когато средностатистическото американско семейство
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Japanese 私は女の子愛する

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Eu amo uma menina.
Portuguese Eu amo a menina
Source language
Portuguese Eu sou o Anticristo
Eu sou o Anticristo

Completed translations
Latin Antichristus sum
Source language
Portuguese brazilian "Os olhos são o espelho da alma"
Os olhos são o espelho da alma
Primeiramente é um prazer poder te a oportunidade de conhecer o serviço social que os senhores prestam. Teve conhecimento deste site atraves do meu professor de mestrado, que relatou otimas criticas. Mas vamos o que interessa, peço a tradução para o latim da frase descrita em epígrafe, do romantico Carlos Drummont de Andrade, para ser introduzindo em minha discertação como entrada (agradecimentos) fico grato pela ajuda
Nunes Netho

Completed translations
English The eyes
Latin "Oculi speculum animae sunt"
Greek Τα μάτια είναι ο καθρέφτης της ψυχής.
Arabic "العينان مرآة الروح"
Hebrew העיניים הן ראי הנפש
Vietnamese Đôi mắt
Source language
Portuguese brazilian Não desista nunca de seus sonhos!
Não desista nunca de seus sonhos!

Completed translations
Italian Non desistere mai dai tuoi sogni!
Source language
Dutch ik mis je elke dag
ik mis je elke dag

Completed translations
Italian mi manchi ogni giorno
Source language
English Please forward this request
Please forward this request to the most appropriate department.
I would like to inform you that in June 2000 I bought a brand new XXXXXXXX motorcar bearing Chassis number XXXXXXXXX. A few months later I found a fault related to the electrical system. Firstly, it was an airbag problem. The warning light of the airbag was continuously turned on. Later, there was a serious problem with the electrical system due to which my car was immobilized in a near town. Afterwards, it was another problem with the thermostat of the radiator and my car steamed and finally immobilized in the motorway. And then, once again, the temperature gauge caused several problems by being out of order. Now, the starting system is out of order again, that is: every time, on starting the engine, the system goes out of order, the switch seems to be dead and all the lights (warning etc.) turn off including the clock, which restarts from “1:00”.
This unacceptable situation takes up time from me (now, my car is still in the garage for the second day). But the most important is that I'm in a quandary about what to do with my car. Do the problems concern manufacture problems?
I will be grateful if you help me find a solution on the above. Neither being separated from my car nor changing my mind about xxxxxxx’s efficiency would be likeable because my car is useful and very suitable for my wife.
Thank you in advance.

Completed translations
French S'il vous plaît, veuillez ...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English I won't hesitate no more, no more It cannot...
I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm yours
Well open up your mind and see like me

Completed translations
Spanish No vacilaré más, no más, no puede esperar
Source language
French C'est un peu comme si ne rien faire coïncidait...
C'est un peu comme si ne rien faire coïncidait chez moi avec le plus grand sentiment d'être.

Être quoi ? essentiellement rien - et c'est de celà que je tire ma joie.

Autrement dit : une perte de soi pour une présence de tout.

Completed translations
Romanian ÃŽntr-un fel, pentru mine, a nu face nimic
10Source language10
Italian ti amo è fondersi con te per l'eternità
L'inizio di un nuovo giorno è lo svegliarmi con la gioia di averti accanto.. e sentirmi solo tuo.. L'esperienza di allungare una mano e accarezzare il tuo viso sul cuscino è come salire su una nuvola e chiedere a Dio di poterti ammirare per sempre.. Questo è il mio amore per te, lo troverai ogni giorno così, al tuo risveglio, quando dirti TI AMO è FONDERSI CON TE PER L'ETERNITA'...

Completed translations
English I love you is to merge with you for eternity
Albanian dashuria ime per ty
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