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Source language
Russian Уважение к себе рождает уважение других к тебе.
Уважение к себе рождает уважение других к тебе.

Completed translations
English Self-respect breeds respect
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Russian Ушёл в мир живых...
Ушёл в мир живых...

Completed translations
English He went into the world of the ...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Dutch god beschermt mij
god beschermt mij

Completed translations
English God protects me.
Russian Меня оберегает Бог.
Hebrew ×”×’× ×”
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Greek θα σε αφησω για λιγο.. Α αν γινει η εκδρομη να...
θα σε αφησω για λιγο.. Α αν γινει η εκδρομη να σαι ετοιμη στις 12 και 13 του μηνος ετσι;

Completed translations
English I'm gonna leave you for a while...Oh if the excursion
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Greek Μπράβο! Βλέπω ξέρεις ελληνικά...
Μπράβο! Βλέπω ξέρεις ελληνικά...
Before edit: "Mprabo! Blepw xereiV Ellhnika"

Completed translations
English Good for you! I see that you know ...
Swedish Grattis!
Source language
Latin Quaeretur ulterius, quare hoc modo omnes libri...
Quaeretur ulterius, quare hoc modo omnes libri veteris testamenti, qui habentur in canone non vocantur prophetales. Nam illi sunt prophetales, qui a prophetis conscripti sunt; nam deperdita lege Esdras omnes libros veteris testamenti restauravit, ipse autem propheta est, et prophetice hoc egit.
Quaretur --> Quaeretur <edited by Aneta B.>

Completed translations
English They will search further, why this ...
Source language
Portuguese brazilian Eu continuo te amando, sempre....
Eu continuo te amando, sempre....

Completed translations
English I still love you, always
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Spanish te quiero porque sos lo mas importante y...
te quiero
porque sos lo mas
importante y lindo que
tengo en la vida....por
eso,no me faltes nunca,no se que haria
sin vos......

Completed translations
Dutch ik hou van je omdat...
English I love you
Danish jeg elsker dig..
French je t'aime
German Ich liebe dich, weil du das wichtigste und...
Portuguese brazilian Eu te amo,
Source language
Latin resonet in laudibus cum jucundis plausibus sion...
resonet in laudibus
cum jucundis plausibus
Sion cum fidentibus
quem genuit, Maria

pueru con cinite
nato regis psalite
voce pia dicite
dit is een (kerst)lied waarvan we de betekenis niet goed begrijpen

Completed translations
English May it resound in praise
Dutch Laat het weerklinken in lof ...
German Möge es...
Source language
Turkish selam, yeni bir ittifak kurdum.amacım bir ilki...
yeni bir ittifak kurdum.amacım bir ilki gerçekleştirip,tüm ittifaklar ile dost olmaktır.
sizin ittifakınızla da bu sebebden dolayı dost ittifak olabilirmiyiz?

Completed translations
German Hallo,....
37Source language37
French poème d'amour
Je suis perdu, vois-tu,
je suis noyé,
inondé d'amour;
je ne sais plus si je vis,
si je mange,
si je respire,
si je parle;
je sais que je t'aime.
S'il vous plaît, pourriez-vous traduire ce poème en kurde, merci

Completed translations
Turkish AÅŸk ÅŸiiri
Albanian poezi dashurie
Source language
English Shopenhauer
For Schopenhauer, the Will is an aimless desire to perpetuate itself, the basis of life. Desire engendered by the Will is the source of all the sorrow in the world; each satisfied desire leaves us either with boredom, or with some new desire to take its place.

Completed translations
Albanian Për Schopenhauer,
Source language
Turkish "kime deger verdiysem yarıda bıraktı senin farklı...
"kime değer verdiysem yarıda bıraktı senin farklı olduğunu sanmıştım ama sanırsam bu benim kaderim."
(g changed with ÄŸ)-cheesecake

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Aquele de quem eu gosto me largou...
Italian Quello che mi piace ...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Latin Locus iste a Deo factus est, inaestimabile...
Locus iste a Deo factus est, inaestimabile sacramentum, irreprehensibilis est.

Completed translations
Greek Αυτός ο τόπος δημιουργήθηκε από το Θεό
Source language
Latin Venvsta Sempronia
Sempronia Claudiam filiam uocat et uilla discedit

Completed translations
Portuguese Sempronia chama...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English I'm 21, if you're a male, right?
I'm 21, if you're a male, right?

<edit>"i'm 21/if your a male right?" with "I'm 21, if you're a male, right?"</edit>(01/29/francky thanks to Lizzzz's notification)

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Eu tenho 21. Se você for homem, certo?
Spanish Tengo 21 [veintiún] años, si eres un hombre, ¿correcto?
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Kurdish Kerê lı ba kerê gırênedın, bı zitüku lotıka lıhev...
Kerê lı ba kerê gırênedın, bı zitüku lotıka lıhev dıxın

Completed translations
Turkish Eşeği diğer eşeğin yanına bağlama, ...
German Binde den einen Esel...
English Donkeys
Italian Non agganciare l'asino vicino .......
Source language
Spanish Informe financiero
Este año, la empresa ha tenido un superávit de 1.200€, que pasarán a la reserva.

Completed translations
French Information financière
English surplus
Source language
Turkish hayır tanışmıyoruz.sadece arkadaş olmak istedim.
hayır tanışmıyoruz.sadece arkadaş olmak istedim.

Completed translations
French Non, on ne se connait pas...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Macedonian Земете па идете на белиот брег и се качете на...
Земете па идете на белиот брег и се качете на некоj от они корабите што са.Па израшкаjте цела Македония на изток от Владивосток, та чак до Ванкувар на запад.Одете да видите земите дека македонскиот пътешественик Ристе Колумбовски, ги е открил и присоединил към маjка.Не моете у сабота да се надвесвате от палубата, да не падинjате и да се изпотрошите.У неделa гледаjте да сте си дома, оти македонската икономика ке го закине, ако сите 8 не сме на работа

Completed translations
Bulgarian Вземете, та идете на белия бряг и се качете на ...
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