Cucumis - Free online translation service
. .

Original text - English - Hi, Everything is fine with me, hope...

Current statusOriginal text
This text is available in the following languages: EnglishTurkish

Category Chat - Computers / Internet

Hi, Everything is fine with me, hope...
Text to be translated
Submitted by joner
Source language: English

Hi, [***CENSORED***].

Everything is fine with me, hope you're fine too.

I see that you still have a little credit (1.000 points).

This is a free (no money $) translation site, run by its comunity.

The goal is to help each other.

If I'm not mistaken, you can run your balance (points) into a negative value (not like a Bank, is it?) and yet ask for new translations.

If this is correct, when (if) you become acquainted with any language you can pay back to the comunity.

Start using your points and in time, if you need more, and cannot ask for new translations, just leave another message, ok?

Remarks about the translation
Inbox post to a new Cucumis user.
31 January 2009 22:34