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Original text - Romanian - Am foarte multe emoţii,dar sunt foarte curioasă...

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Am foarte multe emoţii,dar sunt foarte curioasă...
Text to be translated
Submitted by cristina03
Source language: Romanian

Am foarte multe emoţii, dar sunt foarte curioasă să-i cunosc pe colegii mei de clasă.
Remarks about the translation
in franceza de la Franta
Edited by Freya - 14 April 2010 12:17

Last messages


14 April 2010 10:34

Number of messages: 1910
Same case, it's Romanian.

14 April 2010 11:29

Number of messages: 1524
Thanks again


14 April 2010 11:48

Number of messages: 493
Hello Adina,

If I may ask, what's the reason for the two Romanian texts being in stand-by still?


CC: Freya

14 April 2010 12:16

Number of messages: 1910
Now I can release them.

14 April 2010 12:54

Number of messages: 1910
Hi Francky!

I have a doubt about this text and
this one. If you think that they could be part of a homework, then they should be both cancelled for not respecting our "HW" rule. But I am not totally sure about this. If they can be released (again), please do so!
Sorry for this confusion moment...


They had diacritics from the beginning. It's not about diacritics here. It's just that this "homework verdict" can be sometimes difficult to pronounce at a first view...

CC: Francky5591

14 April 2010 14:52

Number of messages: 12396
Thanks Freya!
We'll leave these texts to translation as it could be some message to a foreign friend, it isn't obvious this is a homework.

14 April 2010 15:00

Number of messages: 1910
OK, big thanks!