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Translation - Bulgarian-English - какво правиш? не с сигурно работиш и си много...

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: BulgarianEnglishTurkish

This translation request is "Meaning only".
какво правиш? не с сигурно работиш и си много...
Submitted by vanesa21
Source language: Bulgarian

какво правиш?
не си ми писал от 2 месеца,сигурно работиш и си много зает.моля те ако ти остане малко свободно време пиши ми.
Не отговори на последното ми писмо ако е прекалено лично и не ти се говори,не си длъжен да ми отговаряш

How are you doing?

Translated by ViaLuminosa
Target language: English

How are you doing? You haven't written to me for two months, maybe you're busy working. Please, if you have some free time, write to me.
You didn't respond to my last letter, if you find it too personal and you don't feel like speaking about it, you are not obliged to answer me.
Validated by lilian canale - 31 October 2010 19:19