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Translation - Portuguese brazilian-English - Neste trabalho é apresentada uma revisão...

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Category Essay - Business / Jobs

Neste trabalho é apresentada uma revisão...
Submitted by adilsonms
Source language: Portuguese brazilian

Neste trabalho é apresentada uma revisão bibliográfica que busca identificar, dentro do contexto do gerenciamento de projetos, o papel de seu gerente, seus fracassos, habilidades e valores que necessita desenvolver para seguir em sua busca pelo sucesso. Para se identificar este papel, o gerenciamento de projetos será contextualizado na história, onde é possível compreender, através dos tempos, a importância conquistada progressivamente pelo gerenciamento e pelo gerente de projetos para a sobrevivência das organizações.
Remarks about the translation
Pessoal, este é o resumo da minha monografia. não tenho ideia de como traduzir para o inglês (EUA) e preciso de ajuda. o conteúdo é um pouco técnico e referente ao gerenciamento de projetos. Se não for possível ou eu estiver fazendo algo errado, favor desconsiderar a solicitação.

The role of the project manager

Translated by lilian canale
Target language: English

This work presents a bibliographic review that tries to identify, within the context of project management, the role of the manager, his weaknesses, skills and the values ​he needs to develop in order to continue in his quest for success. For this role to be identified, the project management will be contextualized in history, where the importance gradually gained by the management and by the project manager for the survival of the organizations can, over time, be understood.
Validated by lilian canale - 20 July 2011 14:25

Last messages


19 July 2011 11:41

Number of messages: 3389
I think 'weaknesses' is better than 'failures' in this context. Also, 'where it can be understood, over time, the importance gradually gained...' sounds crooked in English. My suggestion would be something like

'where it is possible, over time, to understand the importance...'


'where we can get an idea, over time, of the importance ...'

19 July 2011 13:11

lilian canale
Number of messages: 14972
Hi Lein,

weaknesses = fraquezas
failures = fracassos
São conceitos diferentes.

About the second suggestion...actually, this kind of summary sounds usually crooked even in Portuguese

CC: Lein

19 July 2011 13:18

Number of messages: 3389
but 'it can be understood the importance' is just not English. Anyway, if you want to keep it, fine - no need to cc me in

19 July 2011 13:48

lilian canale
Number of messages: 14972
Actually, IMO, the best syntax for that line should be:
"...where the importance gradually gained by the management and by the project manager for the survival of the organizations can, over time, be understood."

Perhaps Ian or Laura will help us her.

Hey guys, can you give your input, please?

CC: IanMegill2 kafetzou

19 July 2011 16:43

Number of messages: 7963
My comments, keeping in mind that Portuguese is not one of my languages, but French and Spanish are:

em sua busca pelo sucesso = in his quest for success

onde é possível compreender, através dos tempos, a importância = where it is possible to understand, over time, the importance

1) You cannot say "seeking for" something - "seek" takes a direct object.
2) As lein said above, you cannot say "it can be understood the importance" - it would have to be "the importance can be understood", but why not simply translate it directly, as I have done above?
3) What is "the role of his manager"? Is that another person?
4) I think "his failures" should be "his weaknesses" - that's what we usually say in this kind of context - "his failures" sounds really, really bad, and you definitely don't want to do that.

19 July 2011 16:08

Number of messages: 7963
Actually, Google translate does a pretty good job on this one:

"This work presents a literature review that seeks to identify, within the context of project management, the role of his manager, his failures, skills and values ​​that need to develop to follow in your quest for success. To identify this role, project management will be contextualized in history, where you can understand, over time, gradually gained importance for the management and the project manager for the organization's survival."

The problem is that "seu" can be its, his, her, or your, if I understand correctly. It seems that Google translate doesn't know which is which, and neither do I. Does anyone here?

19 July 2011 16:09

Number of messages: 7963
Here's what Google translate says for the note underneath the translation request:

"Folks, this is the summary of my monograph. I have no idea how to translate into English (U.S.) and I need help. content is somewhat related to the technical and project management. If you can not or I'm doing something wrong, please disregard the request."

19 July 2011 16:42

Number of messages: 7963
To be honest, I don't quite understand how this could be a "literature review" - that doesn't seem to fit the context.

19 July 2011 17:42

lilian canale
Number of messages: 14972
Thanks for your help, Laura. I've made some changes. How does it look now?

20 July 2011 05:49

Number of messages: 7963
Wow - perfect.

20 July 2011 14:24

lilian canale
Number of messages: 14972

Thanks again for your help. I'll accept it now.

22 July 2011 04:06

Number of messages: 2
Excelente! Só tenho a agradecer a dedicação e o compromisso. Muito Obrigado pela valiosa ajuda!

22 July 2011 14:30

lilian canale
Number of messages: 14972
De nada, Adilson.
Boa sorte com a sua monografia.