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14Translation - French-English - Résumé de la monographie en matière de droit.

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Category Essay - Science

Résumé de la monographie en matière de droit.
Submitted by goncin
Source language: French Translated by turkishmiss

L’existence des lacunes juridiques, qu’elles se restreignent à la loi ou qu’elles affectent tout le système juridique, est prouvée et leur intégration est nécessaire puisque les magistrats ne peuvent pas s'abstenir de juger en prétextant ne pas avoir de normes appropriées au cas. Pour cette raison, le législateur a établi, dans l'article 4 de la loi d'introduction au Code Civil-LICC l'analogie, les coutumes et les principes généraux de droit sont des moyens suppléant à ces vides juridiques. En outre, dans l'article 5 de la même loi il y a un appel à la recherche de bien commun en ayant recours à la fonction sociale de la loi. Le travail actuel est fondé sur ce dernier précepte. Il défend l'équité comme instrument d'intégration des vides juridiques, bien que ce ne soit pas expressément mentionné dans la loi. il oppose à la hiérarchie rigide des sources du droit traditionnellement utilisées pour l’objectif exposé.
Pour cela, il se sert d’une étude historique du concept et de la question même des vides juridiques, et il poursuit une supération dialectique capable de fournir aux juges des directives concrètes d'application de la justice au cas particuliers.

Judicial gaps

Translated by Tantine
Target language: English

The existence of judicial gaps, whether they restrain themselves to the law, or affect the judicial system as a whole, is proven, and the breaching of such gaps is necessary since magistrates cannot preclude judgments under the pretext of having no appropriate precedents for a case. It is for this reason that the legislator has established, in article 4 of the Introduction to the Civil Code-LICC, that analogies, customs and general principles are the means of filling such judicial gaps. Furthermore, in article 5 of the same Law, there is a call for seeking mutual wellbeing in using the social function of the law. The present work is based on this last precept. It defends equity as being the instrument capable of filling judicial gaps, even when this is not expressedly mentioned in the law, in opposition to the rigid hierarchy of the sources of laws traditionally used for the defined objective.
In order to do so, it uses a historical study of the concept and the question of judicial gaps itself, creating a dialectical resolution capable of providing judges with concrete directives for applying judgements to specific cases.
Remarks about the translation
Il faut peut-être vérifier le jargon juridique.

Hi Turkishmiss, :D penses à mettre des virgules des fois pour faciliter la lecture en français. Surtout dans des textes juridiques de ce genre où les phrases sont très longues et compliqués.
Validated by kafetzou - 6 July 2007 07:03

Last messages


22 June 2007 06:20

Number of messages: 7963
Wow - this is a great translation, Tantine, but ...

... what's a "superation"?

23 June 2007 18:08

Number of messages: 7963
overcoming? That's what Google says. It's not even in my Langenscheidt's.

23 June 2007 20:01

Number of messages: 2747
I thought the author of the text to be translated had invented the word at first. It's an obscure one whether in Englsh or in French to say the least.

Francky ended up finding it in the Littré for the French version, which I don't have but I could always put it on my wedding list!

23 June 2007 20:17

Number of messages: 3706

I didn't invented the word "superação", hehe! I think that, in the sense it appears in the text, is a very technical sense.

Maybe someone with a good philosophical background could help. The word "superação" is used in this context as a result of a dialectical process, as defined by Hegel, which has three stages: theses, antithesis and synthesis. "Superação" is what happens when the synthesis is found.

I hope it can help.

Best regards,

23 June 2007 21:27

Number of messages: 2747
Hi Goncin

I saw you didn't invent the word, and also that you know how to use it!

I find that in English, as in French the word "superation" is perfectly acceptable, all the moreso if it is to be , in the dialectical , as the outcome of such a process. In any case, I had understood it as such.


23 June 2007 23:07

Number of messages: 1549
-“Superação dialética” is a common expression in Philosophy, I think “dialectical overcoming” is the English version of this concept.

-I also think that “lacunes juridiques” or “vides juridiques” should be translated as “legal gaps” because they relate to law and not to judges or courts. “Judicial gaps” would be “lacunes judiciaires” in French and “lacunas judiciais” in Portuguese. Same thing for “système juridique” = “legal system”, “judicial system” would be “système judiciaire” in French and “sistema judicial” in Portuguese.

-I’m not sure that “breaching” the gaps and “integrating” the gaps into the legal system mean the same.

-”Bien commun” is a philosophical concept as well, I have always heard “Common good”. I’m not familiar with “mutual wellbeing” which sounds like some postmodernist idea to me ( I’m not that strong on English anyway)

-Is there a small difference between “applying justice” and “applying judgements” in English? As I just said, I’m not very good at English.

23 June 2007 23:28

Number of messages: 3706
Hello Guilon, Tantine and Kafetzou!

Once more, I'm very glad of seeing how much attention are you giving on a translation I'd requested.

I have some fluence in English, and in fact I'd requested the translation to compare my own one to another, more founded.

If I can help anyway, I can say that "integração de lacunas" means indeed "filling of gaps", and yes, the gaps are relating to the law, and not to judges or courts.

By the legal system adopted in Brazil, a judge can never refuse himself to decide, alleging there are no suitable norms to do so. He MUST find any, and his decision MUST be fundamented.

Finally, "applying justice" appears to sound better. What if "application of justice"?

My big "thank you" for you all again,

24 June 2007 03:43

Number of messages: 7963
Wow - Tantine, can you make these changes, please? I just don't have the time today.

As for what happens after the synthesis in the Hegelian dialectic, I believe it is "dialectic resolution" or "dialectical resolution".

The word "superation" simply does not exist in English.

7 July 2007 06:46

Number of messages: 2132
la ponctuation que je mets dans ma traduction est la même que celle qui est dans le texte d'origine.