The Head of Administration assists the CEO in the overall administrative, personnel and financial management of IPKO NET and is inter alia responsible for:
• the formulation of policies related to the employment of staff and consultants and the interpretation and application of the StaffRegulations and Pension Scheme Rules;
Bemerkungen zur Übersetzung
the formulation of policies related to the employment of staff and consultants and the interpretation and application of the StaffRegulations and Pension Scheme Rules;
Drejtuesi i Administrates i ndihmon Drejtori ekzekutiv ne manxhimin e pergjithshem te administrates, personelit dhe financave te IPKO NET-it dhe eshte nder te tjera pergjegjes per: -formulimin e politikave qe kane te bejne me punesimin e kuadrit dhe konsulenteve dhe interpretimin dhe zbatimin e Rregulloreve te Kuadrit dhe Rregullave te Skemave Pensionale
Zuletzt bestätigt oder bearbeitet von Sangria - 11 Juli 2007 06:59