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| 23 Januari 2008 09:50 |
| Merhabalar yeteri kadar sanal çeviri puanım olmadıgından dolayı acil olarak gerekn bir çevirimi yapamadım bana vakit ayırarak çevirimi yapmadan yardımcı olabilirmisin? |
| 21 Julai 2008 14:14 |
|  Gerçekten bayaa uzunmuş
elimden geldiğince birşeyler yapmaya çalışırım, olmadı sora beraber kontrol ederiz
görüşmek üzere  |
| 24 Julai 2008 15:41 |
| Thanks a lot queenbee. Very nice of you. Have just learned to send hyper-links but dont know how to read them.
To all of you : HELP!!!! |
| 24 Julai 2008 15:56 |
| Thanks queenbee. I have got it .It wasn't that difficult. Thanks for your help. Now I'll try to find someone who can build me a bridge. Am I wrong, or do you speak Danish ? |
| 24 Julai 2008 16:16 |
| Have you ever been to Denmark . If I need some help, don't worry, I'll ask you and if I can help you, I'll be there, perhaps giving you some bridges, if I understand the languages. Nice to spêak with you . You seem quite cool, too. Now , I'll have my shower and go out doing some shopping. Will connect later on. Have a nice day, queenbee. |
| 25 Julai 2008 09:59 |
| Hi queenbee.
I'll give you 3000 points then.
| 25 Julai 2008 10:27 |
| Peki, bir yardıma ihtiyacın olursa yardım ederim,bana sorabilirsin.
| 25 Julai 2008 16:26 |
| Hi queenbee. Have just translated the 2ND PART. Will type it now. Then I'll do the first part. Sorry, didn't notice that I should have started with the first one. Is it okay, if I submit the 2nd part now,
then I'll eat a bit and I'll translate the 1st part.
Don't worry, you'll have both at the end of the afternoon; Please let me know if it works that way. |
| 25 Julai 2008 17:23 |
| OK. 2nd part edited. Now I need to eat a bit, before doing the other one. |
| 28 Julai 2008 13:40 |
| Your are welcome queenbee, but, please , thanks Anita Luciano , one of the danish experts, too, because without her help, I wouldn't have been able to do it. |
| 5 Agosti 2008 14:04 |
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| 5 Agosti 2008 16:30 |
| Fine queenbee.Yes, it's fine. Just one word "ogsaa"
should be written " også". So what you have to do is : Press the buttom "alt" and keep it pressed while you type "0229" in numbers". Give it a try. |
| 6 Agosti 2008 08:20 |
|  Hi, queenbee.
Well, it's kinda incomplete sentence.
at lave = make
I don't really know whether I could translate it like a slang expression, from english's "how you doing" or just a simple "what are you doing".
I think it's better let the translation go to the poll or ask it to a native.  |
| 6 Agosti 2008 08:22 |
| Vær så god.  |
| 6 Agosti 2008 14:24 |
| The correct translation in danish is: Jeg elsker også dig og jeg savner dig. |
| 6 Agosti 2008 14:26 |
| Of course it's okay. Will log out now, but will be back later this afternon. |
| 6 Agosti 2008 15:39 |
| Yes queenbee. I had understood it from your letter, which made me feeling quite sad for you. The only thing to do is to be gratefull to him, because he gave you so much happiness, even if it's very hard right now. I know how it feels and I know it won't comfort you, so whatever I can tell you, it won't help you, at least not right now. But try to learn some other words in Danish and I'll do my best to help you. |
| 7 Agosti 2008 16:26 |
| Thanks, Queenbee, but only experts and powercucumers are "official bridgers", on whose bridges it is allowed to translate.
| 11 Agosti 2008 11:22 |
| Merhaba Queenbee, bir şey sorabilir miyim? Ben bir çeviri talebinde bulundum ve yüksek kalite istedim. Ama sonra vazgeçtim, bunu değiştirebilir miyim? Ben daha önce böyle çeviriler gördüm. Önce sadece uzman tarfından yapılabilir diyordu sonra değiştirilmişti. Bunu nasıl yapabilirim, biliyor musun |
| 12 Agosti 2008 13:38 |
| Our boss suddenly came and asked if we would like to grab a beer at work before leaving – nobody could reject such an offer so we sat for three quarters and had a good time.
Later, we discovered that it might have something to do with the fact that they, for the second week in a row, had broken their record in biggest sale in a week (we also hope this will reflect on the tips ).
On the photos below you can see some of our colleagues and maybe get an idea of how the restaurant looks.
PS: “you†is in the plural