Uppruna tekstur - Enskt - Your RapidShare Premium account 7370620 will...Núverðandi støða Uppruna tekstur
Hesin teksturin er tøkur í fylgjandi málum:  
Bólkur Heimasíða / Loggur / Torg - Teldur / Alnet  Hendan umbidna umseting er "Bert meining".
| Your RapidShare Premium account 7370620 will... | tekstur at umseta Framborið av sersa34 | Uppruna mál: Enskt
We will delete your account 14 days after expiration (thus in 21 days),unless you extend it. Remember that you can extend your account anytime.Even months BEFORE expiration. Please notice that the following will belost if you do not extend your account in time. |
18 Desember 2008 11:26