Umseting - Litavskt-Enskt - Pereikite Å¡ia nuoroda ir perskaitykite jÄ…Núverðandi støða Umseting
Hesin teksturin er tøkur í fylgjandi málum:  
Bólkur Heimasíða / Loggur / Torg | Pereikite Å¡ia nuoroda ir perskaitykite jÄ… | Tekstur Framborið av pp_1 | Uppruna mál: Litavskt
JÅ«s gavote trumpÄ… žinutÄ™ nuo yyyyy. Pereikite Å¡ia nuoroda ir perskaitykite jÄ…. Jeigu JÅ«s nenorite naudotis Å¡ia paslauga, praÅ¡ome atsisakyti arba susisiekti su Palaikymo Tarnyba | Viðmerking um umsetingina | message from "" site probably an automatic message fron the website, giving instruction to contact an user or send a feedback |
| Follow this link to read it | UmsetingEnskt Umsett av xekc | Ynskt mál: Enskt
You have a new message from YYYY. Please follow this link to read it. If you do not wish to use this service, please cancel it or contact the Support Service. | Viðmerking um umsetingina | "Please" added for more polite sentence. |
Góðkent av Chantal - 27 November 2006 14:36