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Originele tekst - Engels - Lütfen, acilen çevirin!!

Huidige statusOriginele tekst
Deze tekst is alleen beschikbaar voor de volgende talen: EngelsTurks

Categorie Vrij schrijven

Deze vertaling aanvraag is "betekenis alleen"
Lütfen, acilen çevirin!!
Te vertalen tekst
Opgestuurd door josephx
Uitgangs-taal: Engels

Alison, Paul and Erin live in Toronto, Canada. Alison works at the airport and she always meets Paul when he gets home from Antarctica. Erin always very happy when her father comes home. He buys her a lot of presents and they go to the cinema or play tennis in the evenings. When her husband is away Alison watch TV all time, but she does not watch it when he is at home. Alison does not have a lot of holiday, but they usually go to a hot country for two weeks before Paul goes back to Antarctica.
2 november 2008 18:33