Originalus tekstas - Anglų - The effects of early socialization experiences...Esamas statusas Originalus tekstas
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Kategorija Sveikata / Medicina  Tai "bendrosios prasmės" vertimo prašymas.
| The effects of early socialization experiences... | Tekstas vertimui Pateikta vmar22 | Originalo kalba: Anglų
The effects of early socialization experiences on content mastery and outcomes: A mediational approach
Abstract This Weld study examined how early socialization experiences affect new employee mastery of socialization content and socialization outcomes. New employees reported the realism of their preentry knowledge and the helpfulness of socialization agents.
Keywords: Organizational socialization; Organizational entry; Adjustment; Organizational commitment;Job satisfaction | | Es un texto de PsicologÃa |
2 vasaris 2008 21:35