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Vertimas - Danų-Anglų - 1933 strandede tre mystiske delfiner ud for den...

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Šis tekstas išverstas į šias kalbas: DanųAnglų

Kategorija Šnekamoji kalba - Mokslas

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1933 strandede tre mystiske delfiner ud for den...
Pateikta blondie1973
Originalo kalba: Danų

1933 strandede tre mystiske delfiner ud for den Irske kyst; disse lod til at være hybrider mellem Risso's Delfin og Øresvinet. Denne parring er siden blevet gentaget i fangenskab, og en hybrid kalv blev født. I fangenskab har et Øresvin og en Grov-tandet Delfin produceret hybrider. I naturen har Spinner Delfiner nogle gange hybridiseret med Spættede Delfiner og Øresvin. Store hvalarter og Marsvin har også hybridiseret i naturen. Der har også været rapporter om en hybrid mellem en hvidhval og en narhval.
Pastabos apie vertimą

In 1933 three mysterious dolphins stranded off the Irish coast

Išvertė svennebus
Kalba, į kurią verčiama: Anglų

In 1933 three mysterious dolphins stranded off the Irish coast; these appeared to be hybrids between Risso's dolphin and the bottlenosed dolphin. This mating has since been repeated in captivity and a hybrid calf was born. In captivity have a bottlenosed dolphin and a rough-toothed dolphin produced hybrids. In the wild spinner dolphins have sometimes hybriditated with patterned dolphins and bottlenose dolphins. Large whale species and the porpoise have also hybridised in nature. There have as well been reports of a hybrid between a white whale and a narwhal.
Validated by lilian canale - 18 gruodis 2008 17:30

Paskutinės žinutės


18 gruodis 2008 00:38

Žinučių kiekis: 16
narhval in Danish doesnt correspond to the word narwhal

18 gruodis 2008 01:12

Žinučių kiekis: 4611
Hello, svarog. I'm afraid you're wrong. The English word "narwhal" corresponds to the Danish word "narhval".

18 gruodis 2008 09:52

Žinučių kiekis: 2102
According to

narhval substantiv <-en, -er, -erne>
- Oversættelser
[Zoologi] narwhal - She had never seen narwhals this far south before

18 gruodis 2008 10:51

Žinučių kiekis: 55
Hello dear friends, what I did is that I looked up the species for the danish 'Narhval' which is ''Monodon monoceros'' and is quivalent to the english Narwhal.