Cucumis - Nemokama vertimo internete paslauga
. .

Originalus tekstas - Anglų - As noted earlier in this chapter , it ...

Esamas statusasOriginalus tekstas
Šis tekstas išverstas į šias kalbas: AnglųTurkų

Kategorija Visuomenė / Žmonės / Politika

As noted earlier in this chapter , it ...
Tekstas vertimui
Pateikta cekolumvb
Originalo kalba: Anglų

As noted earlier in this chapter , it has been argued that the decline of paid domestic servants between the 1930s and 1960s in Britain increased considerably the domestic work time of middle-class housewives.
Pastabos apie vertimą
çalışma sosyolojisinden bir makalenin bir pragrafı
5 sausis 2009 22:07