Originalus tekstas - Slovakų - ... dospelých...Esamas statusas Originalus tekstas
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Kategorija Interneto puslapis / Blog'as / Forumas - Sportas  Tai "bendrosios prasmės" vertimo prašymas.
| | Tekstas vertimui Pateikta aubrey | Originalo kalba: Slovakų
Belgicko v Disco dance formáciách dospelých – 4 tituly za posladných 6 rokov | | I would like to translate this sentence to put it on my website as it's about my dance group. But I have trouble finding the meaning of the words 'dospelých' and 'posladných' and 'rokov'. I have searched everywhere, can you help me please? |
31 rugpjūtis 2007 05:39