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Vertimas - Švedų-Anglų - Redan i femte klass tog den kaxiga attityden...

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Tai "bendrosios prasmės" vertimo prašymas.
Redan i femte klass tog den kaxiga attityden...
Pateikta Lejnus
Originalo kalba: Švedų

Redan i femte klass tog den kaxiga attityden form. Uggla blev då relegerad från Carlssons skola efter att ha burit U.S army- jacka och rivit sönder historieböckerna. Sedan hotade han att spöa grabben som skulle skvallra. Den nästa skolan blev Uggla relegerad från efter att ha snott lärarkandidaternas pengar och spelat flipper för dem. I den stilen fortsatte det. Uggla blev relegerad från totalt fem skolor. Efter ett tag slapp han gå i skolan; han fick förlängd pryo i stället.

Magnus Uggla

Išvertė pias
Kalba, į kurią verčiama: Anglų

As early as in fifth form of primary school the cocky attitude appeared. Uggla was then expelled from Carlssons school after he wore a U.S army jacket and destroyed the history books. Then he threatened the boy that was going to tell on him. The next school expelled Uggla after he had stolen money from the teacher-candidates and used it for playing pinball. And that is about what occurred all the time. Uggla was expelled from five schools. After a while he was excused from going to school; and instead got practical vocational orientation.
Validated by IanMegill2 - 21 spalis 2007 12:42

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19 spalis 2007 14:21

Žinučių kiekis: 1671
Original form of translation:
As early as in fifth form of primary school the cocky attitude took place. Uggla was then expelled from Carlssons school after he wore a U.S army- jacket and destroyed the history books. Then he threatened the boy that was suposed to blab. The next school expelled Uggla after he had stolen money from the teacher candidates and played flipper (a game) with them. And that is about what occured all the time. Uggla was expelled from five schools. After a while he was excused from going in school; and instead got practical vocational orientation.

19 spalis 2007 15:03

Žinučių kiekis: 1670
I realize the person is only requesting "meaning", so maybe these comments are irrelevant...(?) Anyway, I would make just a few corrections:

"Already in fifth grade in primary school the cocky attitude took shape. Uggla was then expelled from Carlssons school after wearing a U.S army jacket and destroying the history books. Later on he threatened the boy that was going to tell on him. The next school expelled Uggla after he had stolen money from the teacher-candidates and used it for playing flipper. And it carried on like that. All in all Uggla was expelled from five schools. After a while he was excused from going to school; and instead he got an extended practical vocational orientation."

19 spalis 2007 18:22

Žinučių kiekis: 14
i´m not sure about the word "destroyed" wouldn´t it be more something like "teared to pieces" and also I think about the word "blab" can´t one use "sqill" in this sentence? It is also strange for me but I might be wrong to use the word "teachers-candidate"... hmm I´m not sure and I dont know what it´s called but... feels strange Maggis

19 spalis 2007 18:52

Žinučių kiekis: 8113
Yes, I guess you both have good ideas, but
as you said Anita_L...this is only a meaning request. Anyway...I do not understand the word sqill, I searched the word sqill but 'no hit'...
I found only squill with u... the plant, the bluebell squill or scilla.

20 spalis 2007 04:26

Žinučių kiekis: 7963
Is "flipper" "pinball" maybe?

20 spalis 2007 10:11

Žinučių kiekis: 1670
YEP, kafetzou, you´re right! (I didn´t find this error when I revised the translation because in Danish it´s also called Flipper, so it just sounded natural to me :-) )

Just one comment for the author of the translation (pias): Ok, fair enough, if you don´t want to change your translation, I just have one correction then that I do believe you should make: when you say "he had stolen money from the teacher-candidates and played flipper with them", it sounds as if he played Flipper (= pinball)with the teacher-candidates. "Money" is a word that´s always in the singular so you should refer to it as "it" and not "them", that´s why I had changed the wording to "and used it for playing pinball". Ok?

20 spalis 2007 11:09

Žinučių kiekis: 8113
Yes Anita,I sounds like he is playing pinball WITH them and I guess he is not.
You are absolutely right,I'll change that right away. Thank you for telling!

21 spalis 2007 12:40

Žinučių kiekis: 1671
Okay, I guess we've got the meaning right here, anyway!