yeah i know, thats why i need to know the word in hebrew to find out the arabic equivalent, i know ×œ×‘× ×š is something like "labeinakh" which means "to your boy" (this is a good chance to revive my knowledge )
as for והגדת is it "vaihagadet?" which is "and ... something" and my question is how could this word mean: to tell on that day? is it possible that you translated the comment instead of just the words requested?
Actually labeinakh is your Son or Sons and vaihagadet is as I wrote it exactly as I translated tell on that day. Hagada is a telling, the the Passover is a ritual telling of an event of the most importance to the Jews, the night of freedom from slavery. Hagedat Pasach is the telling of the story of the Passover. This is done in festive setting. Some Hebrew concepts have no English equivilent, such as our use of various forms of Hebrew for G-d.