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翻訳 - フランス語-英語 - J'ai eu la chance de rencontrer une personne...

ドキュメントが次の言語に翻訳されました: フランス語英語

カテゴリ 手紙 / 電子メール - 愛 / 友情

J'ai eu la chance de rencontrer une personne...
原稿の言語: フランス語

J'ai eu la chance de rencontrer une personne merveilleuse, qui m'a donné envie d'avancer et de devenir quelqu'un de bien... Mais j'ai tout gâché, à cause de mon égoïsme, ma jalousie et mon incompréhension... Je sais qu'aujourd'hui il est trop tard, et que sa vie ira bien mieux sans moi. Mais je voulais qu'elle sache qu'elle est la plus belle chose qui me soit arrivée, et qu'elle restera à jamais dans mon coeur. Bonne chance petit ange...

I was lucky enough to meet ...

lilian canale様が翻訳しました
翻訳の言語: 英語

I was lucky enough to meet a wonderful person, who made me want to move forward and become someone good...but I've screwed all up, because of my selfishness, my jealousy and my incomprehension...I know it's too late now and that her life will be much better without me.
But I want her to know she is the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to me, and that she will remain in my heart forever. Good luck little angel...
最終承認・編集者 Francky5591 - 2008年 9月 9日 14:15



2008年 9月 9日 00:22

投稿数: 1549
"I have had the chance to meet..." would be in French J'ai eu l'occasion de ...

J'ai eu la chance is something like "I was lucky enough to..."

And I would use simple past in the first sentences.

2008年 9月 9日 00:27

lilian canale
投稿数: 14972
Thank you Guilon, you are right. That's the exact meaning.

2008年 9月 9日 00:45

投稿数: 4611
Hello Guillon. Agree with you for the two first sentences into simple past. But disagree with you concerning : "I've have had the chance to" French you can say

: J'ai eu de la chance"

and not

"not opportunité which in English gives

: " opportuneness".==

2008年 9月 9日 00:36

投稿数: 4611
Sorry, Lilian, but guilon is wrong. read above.

CC: guilon

2008年 9月 9日 00:53

投稿数: 1549
Now I am the one who disagrees

J'ai eu de la chance, je suis né dans un pays tropical

means exactly the same as

J'ai eu la chance de naître dans un pays tropical

I don't quite follow your reasoning about "opportunité"

2008年 9月 9日 01:04

投稿数: 1549
In the two examples I just gave, you can see that the first sentence is not followed by a subordinate clause (it is followed by another independent sentence of course) while the second one is. You couldn't say

j'ai eu de la chance de naître dans un pays tropical

I still think J'ai eu la chance de rencontrer une personne merveilleuse is a talk about luck.

2008年 9月 9日 01:15

投稿数: 4611
Hello Guillon. Explained the way you just have explained it to me , you must be right. Honestly, I have never really learned French Grammar. Learned French by speaking and reading but are happy about this discussing, because you have just learned me something new.Thanks a lot.

2008年 9月 9日 01:29

投稿数: 1549
No, gamine, thank you, I was lucky enough to be given the chance to elaborate on my reasons