| |
| 14 Joulukuu 2007 10:20 |
| Hello jp this profil Objectionable Terorist
http://www.cucumis.org/uyeler_12_u/profil_p_10290.html |
| 18 Joulukuu 2007 08:04 |
| Gostaria de apagar minha traduções solicitadas...como faço?Responda o mais rapido possivel!Obrigada! |
| 19 Joulukuu 2007 09:39 |
| Recently, some french guy MSNed me to say that, he would like to do the breton translation for this website in the next two months, since this month is holidays.
Wait and see if he will contact you. |
| 22 Joulukuu 2007 19:09 |
| disposable elements of single use and sterilization of the dermographes. Traducteur automatique, mot pour mot, c'est seulement maintenant que je m'aperçois de cela, alors que cette gamine est membre depuis mongtemps (restée longtemps déconnectée, cependant...)
méfi teu d'la gamine mon viu JP!
| 23 Joulukuu 2007 18:41 |
| JP..
I accepted this translation by mistake. It was to be rejected because it is very bad Portuguese.
What now?
| 24 Joulukuu 2007 08:59 |
| Bonjour jp!Je voudrais changer mon nom parce que il est écrit en grec.Alors,est-ce que possible que je le change en Hera??Merci d'avance |
| 25 Joulukuu 2007 14:36 |
| Mille mercis!Joyeux Noël!!! |
| 29 Joulukuu 2007 07:23 |
| Salut jp,
Actuellement, on peut voter contre une traduction sans expliquer pourquoi, ce qui cause parfois de grands ennuis pour les experts, qui doivent aller rechercher les raisons chez la personne qui a voté contre. Alors d'habitude, ce qu'on a tendance à faire maintenant pour s'économiser du temps, c'est qu'on (les experts anglais, de toute façon, comme tu peux le voir vers la fin de cette discussion-ci) ignore tout court les rejets qui ne sont pas accompagnés de raisons.
Alors il serait peut-être avantageux pour tout le monde si on changeait le texte qui maintenant demande poliment au rejeteur de laisser ses commentaires si possible, en un petit message qui indiquerait plus clairement que "si vous ne laissez pas de justification pour votre rejet, il sera ignoré lors de l'évaluation finale de la traduction" en question...?
Parce que c'est après tout ce qu'on a tendance à faire en réalité?
L'autre option qui a été discutée (comme tu le verras dans notre discussion), c'était de bloquer tout rejet qui n'était pas accompagné d'une explication. Ceci serait l'idéal, bien sûr, mais il me semble que ça prendrait beaucoup plus de ré-écriture du code HTML, qu'une simple modification à la phrase qui apparaît automatiquement maintenant quand on vote contre une traduction...? |
| 30 Joulukuu 2007 11:28 |
| Hi,
It shouldn't be too hard to put a html popup which requires them to state why they voted against a translation. It should also say, please use the language that the translation was translated to.
David |
| 1 Tammikuu 2008 17:12 |
| Merci beacoup
Thank you very much |
| 1 Tammikuu 2008 23:37 |
 Bamsa Viestien lukumäärä: 1524 | Hello JP,
It would be great for the experts to have the "search" option In the "members" menu. I believe that some of us would like to have that one.
All the best,
Bamsa |
| 7 Tammikuu 2008 06:41 |
| A strange coincidence?
parisparis and parisp were online at the same time here and both have connection with Italian.
| 7 Tammikuu 2008 06:56 |
| Spooooky. Thanks for the information. Now I can go sleep. |
| 8 Tammikuu 2008 15:36 |
| my native language is KINYARWANDA please add it to other languages. |
| 10 Tammikuu 2008 22:15 |
| Hi JP!
The hard times are over now, next week I'll have my Chinese exams and then I got much more time for cucumis!
Should it be able then to make me an expert again?
Because lately there have been a lot of estonian texts to be done, and I guess some other estonians have translated some, which have to be accepted!
Nathan |
| 22 Tammikuu 2008 08:44 |
| Jp, who will validate my Latin translations? I am speaking about the translations I made and appear in my validation field? I suppose I can't validate my own work
Thank you |
| 22 Tammikuu 2008 22:37 |
| Hello jp.
I would like to modify a little one of the rules that appear when a new text is introduced for translation. Can you replace the 5-th one with this one, please:
"[5] Punctuaţia, accentele şi caracterele originale sunt obligatorii (în cazul românii diacriticele ă, â, î, ş and ţ). Dacă sunteţi un vorbitor nativ al limbii textului-sursă, ar trebui să submiteţi textul cu caracterele alfabetului acelei limbi, cu punctuaţia şi accentele cerute de limbă. În caz contrar, cererea dumneavoastră ar putea fi înlăturată de administratori."
Maybe this will finally make some of the users (if not all, because I doubt that) to edit the texts correctly.
Thank you very much. |
| 22 Tammikuu 2008 23:07 |
| |
| 23 Tammikuu 2008 09:38 |
| I had to create this account because I was not able to translate my natural language that is Portuguese (Brazil) at 'kovags'.
Anyway, I guess I'm able to do this now in this account. I really don't mind if you cancel my kovags account, but did I lose my pending translation points (at kovags)? |
| 23 Tammikuu 2008 12:54 |
| Hi jp! I want to ask something about these notification mails. Whenever I get one mail from cucumis, it gives an error and mail closes itself and I can't read them. I can only have a look at them for a second and then it closes. Has this problem something to do with this site, cucumis, or is it totally about me? |