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Fordítás - Portugál-Angol - Admissibilidade

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Ez a szöveg rendelkezésre àll a következő nyelveken : PortugálAngolDán

Témakör Mondat - Tàrsadalom / Emberek / Politika

Ajànlo Anita_Luciano
Nyelvröl forditàs: Portugál

A recorrente alega que a análise de admissibilidade dos custos que a empresa imputa às suas obrigações deve ter por base a aplicação do critério dos custos que uma empresa média teria suportado para cumprir as referidas obrigações.
Magyaràzat a forditàshoz
Actually I do understand the whole phrase and I have already translated all the words to Danish EXCEPT the word "admissibilidade" which I fully understand but I have not been able to find a good translation of the word.. the only word I have come up with is "antagelighed" (in Danish), but I am not sure it sounds ok in the context?


Forditva lilian canale àltal
Forditando nyelve: Angol

The appellant claims that the analysis of the acceptability of the costs the company attributes to its duties must be based on the application of the criterion of costs that an average company would have suffered to accomplish those duties.
Validated by dramati - 3 Február 2008 22:39

Legutolsó üzenet


2 Február 2008 23:27

Hozzászólások száma: 1670
Lilian, first of all: thanks a lot for you help!
There´s just one thing, though, that bothers me a little and that´s the fact that I had forgotten to put the word "análise" in the Portuguese sentence (A recorrente alega que a ANÁLISE da admissibilidade dos custos....) so I´d like to ask you if the correct word in the English version in this case would be "acceptability" and not "acceptance"? (meaning that the expenses of the company should be analyzed in order to find out if they are in deed "acceptable" (reasonable) when compared to how much an average sized company would have to spend in order to fulfill the same duties)

2 Február 2008 23:52

lilian canale
Hozzászólások száma: 14972
How much a single word in English may make plenty of difference !!!

...análise da admissibilidade (Uff! that's a really huge word!) can be translated as:

analysis of the acceptability

You're right, Anita.

3 Február 2008 09:57

Hozzászólások száma: 1670
Could you then please do me the favour to change the English version since the Danish translation will most probably be based on that one and not on the Portuguese original?

3 Február 2008 10:18

lilian canale
Hozzászólások száma: 14972
I'm sorry, but I'm not able to edit anything on that translation anymore since it has already been accepted.
I think that any of the English experts could do that.
Anyway, to perform the change, you should ask to include that "análise de..." in the Portuguese version, otherwise the translation (with the change) will be wrong.


3 Február 2008 11:03

Hozzászólások száma: 1670
dramati, I would like to ask you a favour: Could you please edit the original Portuguese version and change the part that says "A recorrente alega que a admissibilidade" to
"A recorrente alega que a análise da admissibilidade" and, consequently, also edit the English version to "The appellant claims that the analysis of the acceptability" ?
This is quite important since it naturally also has a direct effect on the Danish translation of the English version.

Thank you very much!

CC: dramati

3 Február 2008 22:40

Hozzászólások száma: 972
The English is done. I can't access the Portuguese. Sorry.