-One could say "volé", or "dérobé" instead of "pris", but "pris" is just fine, as it can be understood with the same meaning as these Two others (being understood that whom she kissed wasn't expecting she kissed him.
-Diminutive for "bisou" isn't really one, it is shorter("bise"

but in "bisou" the ending in "ou" sounds both more tender and childish than "bise" (if it's the word you're thinking about)
-French is very correct, you just did a few little mistakes typing "dés", premiére, and "prés" mixing up the "aigu" accent with the "grave" (it is "dès", première", and "près"
Then just one little mistake as well with not using the negative form of "aussi" which is "non plus" (affirmative : "je pouvais te comprendre, et tu pouvais me comprendre aussi"- negative : "je ne pouvais pas te comprendre, et tu ne pouvais pas me comprendre non plus" (you could also say "et tu ne pouvais pas non plus me comprendre", I edited this way because it is a little bit more used, it reinforces the reciprocity of the notion of misunderstanding between the two persons)
Then I edited "soit" Ã la joue for two reasons,
first is that I could guess the meaning of this "soit"(not used) as "just on the cheek" so I edited by "rien que ". Then I edited "Ã la joue" with "sur la joue". I could have edited with "juste sur la joue" as well, but I didn't as the person who is writing seems to be a very young one (according to the way she speaks, I say "she" because of "je t'ai vu", so I suppose it is a "girl to boy" message
But this is a good translation, because these were small and easy to edit mistakes you did, and rest of the text is very correct.
* "Vianney" is a boy? I don't know this first name... Just tell because if Vianney is a girl, I'll edit "je t'ai vu" with "je t'ai vue"!