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Traduction - The Roma singer Šaban Bajramović died in... (Anglais)

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16 Juin 2008 03:46  

Nombre de messages: 249
Thank you for "copying" your information for me. You should not have..:-) I already know the subject, however I still maintain that the translation in that respect is wrong. Thanks.

16 Juin 2008 06:25  

Nombre de messages: 7963
Was the problem in his brain or in his heart, lakil?

16 Juin 2008 10:40  

Nombre de messages: 5
As far as I know, "infarkt" always means "a heart attack". The problem was in his heart, not his brain. He died of a heart attack. At least that's was reported in the media. Even if the word "coronary" is not used so often to explain a "heart attack" it does not mean it was incorrect.

16 Juin 2008 16:42  

Nombre de messages: 7963
I agree that it was not incorrect. I changed it to heart attack because that's the more common term in English. But I'm wondering why lakil still insists it was a stroke.
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