If you could please translate about 6 minutes of monolog of several people saying what the truth is in French. I would gladly add your name in the end credits of the final film if you help with the translation.
Here is a link to a video that contains the monolog. blip.tv/file/1298936
If you simply translate to English everything that is said in that video by separating each individual using a number.
For example;
1. The truth is this and this.......
What is the absolute truth?
The absolute truth is this and this.......
2. The truth is this and this.......
What is the absolute truth?
The absolute truth is this and this.......
I would truly appreciate your help and would finally publish the Parisian edition of "The Truth Is...".
Here is
"The Truth Is..." , project filmed in other countries.
Merci beaucoup!
Sincerely Renat Zarbailov of Innomind.org