Cucumis - Servizio gratuito di traduzione on line
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Posta in Arrivo - lilian canale

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9 Maggio 2008 00:10  

Numero di messaggi: 1285

Thank you. Cute word

I have translated it. Hope this will help the requester.

I don't know what to do next, I mean I have never asked for help till now. What about the points?
Mhh, it is complicated for me...

Thank you again



9 Maggio 2008 17:41  

Numero di messaggi: 278
¡Hola Lilian! Espero que estés bien, quisiera hacerte una pregunta que me tiene con duda:

¿Puede un experto traducir y validar la misma traducción que el ha hecho?

Que tengas un buen día...

9 Maggio 2008 17:51  

Numero di messaggi: 278
¡Muy bueno saberlo! Muchísimas gracias por la aclaración, eres muy amable...

Mil gracias por tu respuesta

¡Mucha suerte!

10 Maggio 2008 03:32  

Numero di messaggi: 515

A regra de "uma palavra só" se aplica inclusive no latim?

10 Maggio 2008 04:10  

Numero di messaggi: 515
Eu pensei que o latim configurava-se como exceção assim como o japonês ou hebraico, que tem várias solicitações semelhantes.

10 Maggio 2008 15:33  

1 violeta
Numero di messaggi: 2
hola lilian a mi me gustaria hablar con tigo ya q veo q te gustan mucho los idiomas y a mi tambien

10 Maggio 2008 15:58  

1 violeta
Numero di messaggi: 2

12 Maggio 2008 22:04  

Numero di messaggi: 15
Hi... I was just wondering about the system of grading used here, so I thought I d ask you since you are the expert who graded a translation I ve recently made...More precisely it was just a few words, "I miss you all the time"... So since I know it s completely correct, can you tell me why it wasn t graded a 10? Thx in advance, I d rather know, because this way it s kind of frustrating... Cheers!

13 Maggio 2008 00:34  

Numero di messaggi: 71
Hello liliane
I am now working in an Arabic Cultural and Scientific forum , I am there as the Secretary Genaral of the D.G

And I would like to have a contact with your site in order to make an anouncement in our site"", that is, to make a Commercial and Anouncemant Exchange between the two sites .
Knowing that I have already posted there a subject in order to present our
site "" to the Arabic community
this is the link of the subject:
and the link of the forum is:

I hope that you will reply me soon

Thank you liliane

13 Maggio 2008 00:57  

Numero di messaggi: 71
Ok liliane
As is a translation site into all languages, I see to present it to the Arabic community because the majority of them don't know it.
So , I would like to make an advertissement in the Cultural and Educational Site " , for example the admins of make a banner of the site ( as we make when we want to publish something) so that the members of "gaada4arab", when the enter to this forum, find this add and can
communicate with easily

I hope that you understand me now liliane
I contact you becaust I see you an admin here,
Thank you so much

14 Maggio 2008 20:54  

Numero di messaggi: 268
Hello lilian, are you asking me to translate it into English??
I'm sorry but I'm unable to do it, you know that my English is so miserable...

15 Maggio 2008 21:57  

Numero di messaggi: 1
alla faccia del poliglotto!!!

17 Maggio 2008 00:15  

Numero di messaggi: 4611
Hi Liliane. So you know ZAPATA? I find that great! I'm working in an association here in France where we are quite involved with his revolution and I do admire that man.SMILE

17 Maggio 2008 00:21  

Numero di messaggi: 5

17 Maggio 2008 09:51  

Numero di messaggi: 1116
"Happy Birthday! May you live long and healthy! I'm wishing you health - because it is always needed, happiness - because it's always insufficient, sea of love - to always be someone waiting for you at the shore! I'm wishing you little luck but at the right moment, few friends but true, as for the money - as much as you like! I'm wishing you light drinking, many smiles, professional success and pleasant flirtation. May happiness light your eyes, love dwell in your heart and all the birds in the world sing, because today is your feast."

Huh, this is rhymes originally and contains phrases that are completely untranslatable in English.

17 Maggio 2008 19:24  

casper tavernello
Numero di messaggi: 5057
Oi, neném.

17 Maggio 2008 23:39  

Numero di messaggi: 7
size ve sitedeki tüm çevirmenlere, ve uzman çevirmenlere çok ,teşekkür ederim,yardımlarınız için

18 Maggio 2008 17:40  

Numero di messaggi: 4611
Hi Lilian . Have just voted for this translation :
" ar det ditt barn" though I think that the word "baby" isn't close enough. I'd have written" kid" or "child", because baby can means so many other things. It's up to you now, YOU are the expert. Smile.

18 Maggio 2008 21:50  

Numero di messaggi: 1
thank you so much!

19 Maggio 2008 01:16  

Numero di messaggi: 152
I've solved all my problems I've found on the REA website the "ortografia de la lengua espanola" (pardon for the missin accents, but it's very late and I'm too tired to look for the ascii codes for special vowels). Only one last doubt, about the phrase I've already sent to you. Maybe there is a mistake.. here it is:

Las palabras que contienen hiatos siguen también las reglas generales de acentuación salvo en los casos de hiatos formados por vocal abierta átona + vocal cerrada tónica o por vocal cerrada tónica + vocal abierta tónica que llevan siempre tilde qunque no respeten las reglas. Ejemplos: aldea, toalla, león, país, mío..

tónica+tónica? is it possible?

goodnight!!!(here it's 1:15 am!)

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